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Offline Labrat101

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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #575 on: December 15, 2021, 05:51:17 pm »
@ johnny B Good
The leo Bodnar Gpsdo use a supercapacitor on the ublox and it's pulse changes from the ublox supply.  0.22F lasts about 3 plus hours.
Maybe a simpler way . Plus it will charge fast in a second.  No worries about changing rates it goes to a 100% . They are available in 3v or 5v . Get a 1F 5v . Should keep you happy 😊.
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Offline Johnny B Good

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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #576 on: December 16, 2021, 03:23:17 am »
@ johnny B Good
The leo Bodnar Gpsdo use a supercapacitor on the ublox and it's pulse changes from the ublox supply.  0.22F lasts about 3 plus hours.
Maybe a simpler way . Plus it will charge fast in a second.  No worries about changing rates it goes to a 100% . They are available in 3v or 5v . Get a 1F 5v . Should keep you happy 😊.

 I think you'll find that's just to extend the BBRAM time limit from the original 40 minutes or so with the standard 80mF supercap. A quick calculation suggests he's simply wired that 220mF supercap across the original tiny supercap.

 I have to say though, the thought of using a supercap had crossed my mind briefly but with a best case scenario where the external power source is disconnected when the ocxo has stabilised and the normal power demand has settled to 1.5W requiring just 300mA to start with from a supercap charged to its 5v limit, increasing to 500mA as it drops to the 3 volt end point limit, I'd already worked out that I'd need to use a 47F 5v supercap just to buy myself a couple of minutes in which to swap out external power sources.

 At the time though, I hadn't realised they made supercaps in higher voltage ratings than 2.7v so I was considering the use of a pair of 100F 2.7v supercaps in series. Even so, I suspect even a single 5v 47F supercap will take up more space than a cheap 500mAH protected LiPo cell which can offer me at least ten times more autonomy.

[EDIT 2021-12-21]

 They still don't make 5v supercaps, they simply stack a pair of 100F 2.7v caps in series and call it a 5.5v supercap. I finally got round to checking out supercap and LiPo cell prices today and a single 2.7v 100F supercap would cost me at least the price of the cheapest 1500 (or 2500)mAH LiPo cell at just over ten or eleven quid delivered.

 Even if I'd had to buy a LiPo cell, that would still have been the no-brainer choice. And, I had a couple going spare thanks to the 1st two Mustek G600 microscopes that had been delivered with broken LCD screens for which I was refunded and told to dispose of the damaged scopes myself rather than trouble them with the costs of return postage -"Winner, winner, chicken dinner!" :)

 Don't get me wrong, a lousy 2 minutes grace time in which to effect a wallwart changeover without upsetting the very touchy mcu inside the OCXO would have solved the biggest annoyance with my homebrewed GPSDO and if I happened to have had a suitable supercap in my possession, that's the way I would have gone.

 However, since I didn't have a supercap handy but did have a couple of new unused freebies in the form of a 2500mAH and a 1500mAH protected LiPo cell that could conveniently be slipped into the case between the top surface of the case and the sponge rubber pressure pad that keeps the sponge rubber jacket in place around the OCXO ( a ready made home for either of these LiPo cells), this became the no-brainer option of choice. :)

 BTW, it looks like my work here is not done. :-[  After swapping it over to its usual 12v wallwart, a horrible realisation set in that I had no positive indication that I was connected to a functioning wallwart other than by assuming that it was in good order and actually plugged into a live mains socket. The realisation being that adding an extra circuit to blink the power LED when on battery power was far from being 'just a nice optional extra' but rather more of a vitally important status indicator.

 I've spent a couple of hours this evening searching for inspiration to make up the simplest relaxation oscillator possible, landing up with a a two transistor design that harks back to the early sixties based on a PNP and an NPN transistor pair. I would have opted for the even simpler UJT design but, afaicr, I don't have any amongst my collection of junk er, spares so raided my nicely boxed collection of 10 by 20 BC series small signal transistors bought on a whim at a radioham rally over three years ago which I've only now started dipping into.

 I've lashed this up on a solderless breadboard and, after adjusting resistor values, it's now currently blinking the test LED at a surprisingly pleasing 1.82Hz using a timing capacitor value of 3.3uF. I've added a BC517 PNP darlington to detect the presence of external power and hold the LED in a PG state and allow it to blink when the external voltage dips below the 4.65v threshold. Now it's merely a matter of shoehorning this 3 transistor, 1 capacitor and 7 resistor add-on into the GPSDO to supplement the existing 1K Power on LED's current limiting resistor. ::)

 Hopefully, I'll have this all done and dusted by tomorrow evening (or at least by Christmas at the latest which is more than can be said of my RO project  :-[ ).
« Last Edit: December 21, 2021, 05:17:07 pm by Johnny B Good »

Offline Johnny B Good

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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #577 on: December 17, 2021, 01:08:45 am »
 And finally at last, my work here is done. I can now tell whether it's running from external or internal power. The job went surprisingly well (but, not without cursing Messrs Murphy and Sod for getting up to their usual tricks on every project I work upon >:( ) and it worked first time (an unusual bonus in my case).

 However, I did hit a strange problem with the DC jack plug lead I was using between the bench supply and the GPSDO, especially at low voltage settings (in the 5 to 10 volt range). I had no problem when completing the circuit at the bench supply terminals even at the 4.5v minimum level but, if I made the connection by plugging the DC jack plug into the gpsdo's power jack, I'd not see any current draw from the supply yet the power led went from blinking to a PG state which is far from ideal to say the least.

 This was the same behaviour I would see if I turned the bench supply off and then switched it back on. Obviously, the primary buck converter doesn't handle such slow voltage ramp up rates but I can accept that abnormal method of powering the GPSDO up.

 Next, I made up a very short USB A plug to 5.5mm DC Jack plug to test with those three power banks I'd recently purchased and, even with the burden voltage of the Atorch usb power monitor, I had no problems whatsoever, not even when I tried a really cheap "1200mAH" (600mAH more like! >:( ) Poundland power bank I'd paid just one pound for a couple of years back which, incidentally, I ran flat after some 15 to 20 minutes whilst making up a replacement bench power supply to 5.5mm DC jack plug lead to see whether this would overcome the issue I was having with the first adaptor lead.

 I guess the GPSDO must have been running off its internal backup for maybe 10 to 20 minutes before I'd finished making that replacement adaptor lead which seems to have overcome the rather strange issue I'd seen with the first one. I doubt I'll see a repeat of this weirdness with any of my 12v 1A wallwart collection but I'll test them to make sure.

 I'm a little happier now but still have some concern over this issue which seems to be a result of too slow a ramp up of supply voltage on the input of the first buck converter. However, these DC-DC converters have an enable pin which is usually left disconnected in most applications but in my case, it might provide a way to eliminate the apparent lock out state it can enter seemingly with some randomness. However, I'll check out my wallwart collection and run more tests before I turn this internal backup power project into a trilogy.

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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #578 on: December 17, 2021, 01:26:39 am »
Quote from: bomarek on 2021-12-04, 18:57:05Hello.
>Powered only from the USB cable.
Power it from the mains.

The problem is that I can't control it from my computer. I have installed the USB driver and software for the FY6900 model.
Download and read the manual. One or the other has to be a master and the other a slave.

I cannot update this software to version 6.5.
They do not have 6.5 out even though it says update in the menu.
The software detects the generator as FY6900H-100M.

Doesn't matter.

I run in administrator mode and get the error: Run-Time Error 380, Invalid Property Value. The strange thing is that the software from the FY8300S generator is partially working, I can define my own waveforms and send them to the generator. Someone knows the solution to my problem. Sorry for my English but it's translator's Googles fault >:(
Voltage does not flow, nor does voltage go.

Offline Johnny B Good

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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #579 on: December 18, 2021, 01:55:24 am »
 I finally solved the mystery of the random lock outs by the primary buck converter when restoring external power and the resulting false indication of a successful transfer from internal back to external power. :)

 I tested my three modified[1] 12v 1A wallwarts and had slightly mixed results. One of them would occasionally show the same symptom when plugged into the GPSDO after being already plugged into a mains socket, the other two failing to demonstrate the problem. If they were plugged into the GPSDO before being plugged into a mains outlet, all three contrary to my expectations, would successfully power it up every time.

 After choosing the most efficient of the two symptom free wallwarts, I searched for a datasheet on the 8 pin IC identified by the SMD code 'AGCE' used by the 3A version of these Mini360 DC-DC buck converters (the 1.3A version uses a slightly more diminutive 6 pin IC).

 Try as I might, there was no information to be had using the many SMD code indices I checked out so I examined the datasheets I'd already downloaded for similar ICs that these Chinese clones had most likely been based on to see if I could get some sort of clue as to whether using the enable pin function would allow me to fix the issue I'd been experiencing.

 This also proved to be of no further help so I sat down to closely scrutinise my circuit diagram and do a more thorough analysis of its operation. Eventually, after running through the processes involved in transitioning from internal battery power to external power several times (I had been blind sided by the fact that the 12v supply I was using as my gate drive source would already be present whilst it was still running off the LiPo cell rather than the misguided assumption I'd been making that this would be delayed - only true in the case of a stone cold, dead in the water power up sequence), it eventually dawned on me that the 06N03LA mosfet was being switched on too quickly to prevent the LiPo cell voltage being backfed to the buck converter's output before it had properly responded to the presence of the external DC supply voltage.

 In this state of operation, the backfed LiPo voltage, despite being some 300mV lower than the buck converter's set output voltage, would be enough to create an overvolt error condition and lock it into a standby mode. That, at least was my best, as yet untested hypothesis that I had come up with before finally retiring to my bed last night.

 I was up bright and early this morning (9:30 is bright and early by my normal standards ::) ) to squeeze a 100nF capacitor between the source and gate (or across the emitter/collector of the 2nd BC548, if you prefer) in order to delay the shorting out of the anti backfeed SK24 diode that would otherwise lose me some 300mV of margin, critical to being able to reliably power it from a 5 volt supply (usb wallwarts and power banks).

 After about an hour's worth of fiddling this capacitor add-on into the circuit, I was ready for yet another round of testing. This time, the benefit was immediately obvious and the only way I can now get it to lockout is by setting the bench supply to less than 5.3v before turning it off and on by its mains switch.

 I could probably make it proof against even sub 5.3v bench supply mains power switch on events by using a 1 or 2 uF ceramic cap but I'd need to put a 1K resistor in series to protect the BC548 from the larger discharge current surges involved when transferring back to battery power - something for anyone considering this circuit for their own use if there is a need to cater for even slower input supply voltage ramp up rates.

 This had initially been just a "quick 'n' dirty" test to prove that my hypothesis was correct. The limited energy storage in a 100nF cap doesn't warrant such a limiting resistor so it never got one. I might be minded at a later time to cater for even this rather artificial powering up scenario and replace the 100nF cap with a 5uF 10 or 16 volt[2] rated ceramic cap and 1K current limiting resistor to make it thoroughly proof against even the most unlikely of power up conditions but for now, I think I've neatly addressed the most glaring defect in my 'clever' power management design. :palm:

 I don't think the buck converter has any problem with very slow input voltage ramp up rates, just a lock out issue when backfed from another voltage source even when that happens to be 300mV below its output voltage setting. Since I've not been able to recreate the false external power indication state due to buck converter lockout with any of my wallwart or power bank sources under any conditions of power sequencing (mains power to wallwart before or after connecting it to the GPSDO, including using those power banks as 5v UPSes), I'm quite happy to consider that my work here is indeed well and truly done. :)


[1] I'd fitted 4.7K 1/2 watt resistors between the zero volt rail and the earth pin to kill off the annoying nuisance of the half live mains voltage issue common to all of these class II smpsu based wallwarts ( the same modification I'd used with my FY6600 BTW). Most such UK wallwarts use a plastic 'earth pin' just to open the shuttered L & N sockets on all UK 13A mains sockets but I had a couple that were blessed with proper brass earth pins that were there only for that sole purpose.

 These had been relatively easy to modify but with other candidate wallwarts cursed with a plastic shutter opening pin, I simply transferred their guts into previously gutted wallwarts I'd hung onto simply because they had been endowed with a functioning, if unused earth pin.

 Such class II smpsu based wallwarts, endowed with a proper, though electrically isolated, earth pin are such a rarity these days that they're worth hanging onto even if they no longer work or the kit they had been supplied with used a non-standard voltage and has long since gone to landfill. It's even worth looking for 2nd hand ones in flea markets, regardless of their actual output voltage ratings just to keep a modest stock for any such future half live mains 'touch voltage' elimination modifications. Avoid the very heavy ones unless you're looking for a cheap source of 5 to 15 VA mains transformers. :)

[2] If you replace the 470K resistor (R3) with a 1M and shunt the CE of Q2 with another 1M resistor, you can safely use a 6.3v rated ceramic cap instead. The maximum voltage between the 12v and the 3.85v rails is just a fraction over 8 volts and the mosfet will turn on even with only a 2.5v gate to source voltage difference. Indeed, since the impedance remains the same, you'll have the same time constant but the reduced voltage will double the effective turn on delay, giving the chosen capacitor 'more bang for the buck'.

Online Bad_Driver

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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #580 on: December 18, 2021, 11:47:58 am »
I want to come back to our little FY6900 plastic box in this thread.

It‘s done, yesterday the BMS module arrived from Aliexpress and this morning I accomplished my work.
Not a big deal but for me the work with the Li-Ion-batteries was helpful and new.
See photos. Unfortunately I assembled the battery pack with the BMS module in the wrong orientation so I can‘t mount the handle. But that can be easy corrected - sometime  :palm:

Santa Claus announced the arrival of an SSA3021X+ (thanks to SWMBO) so I can do some measurements of this cheap
toy with analog PSU (from my SPD3303X) against the battery driven SPSU solution with respect to the output signal quality.

I keep you informed.
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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #581 on: December 18, 2021, 12:10:28 pm »
@ Bad_Driver
Your works looks Nice  tidy  :-+
You have tied everything down to to with stand an earth quake . But Left your TCXO flapping in the breeze . That's how it looks in the photo .
Also I would suggest moving the fan wires so they are above the power section and not close to the inputs/ outputs section .
My opinion only .

« Last Edit: December 18, 2021, 12:12:56 pm by Labrat101 »
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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #582 on: December 18, 2021, 12:28:32 pm »
It‘s only a little toy but your are right, since I have to reopen the box for the handle I‘ll take care of the cabling and
the air flow. As you may remember I have for serious work the SDG2042X (now 2122X).

Hope I will use the FY sometime and it will not rest on the shelf till the batteries start to smell…..
« Last Edit: December 18, 2021, 12:30:16 pm by Bad_Driver »
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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #583 on: December 18, 2021, 01:07:01 pm »
 @ Bad_Driver
We Had a brown out last night for 3 hours and my UPS on my FY6800 Failed horribly  :palm: :palm: :palm:
So I had  to recalibrate it as Is being used as an Alpha Beta . It was only out by a small amount .
Its back to its Happy  10-9   :-+    No Brain Damage  :-DD
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Offline Johnny B Good

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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #584 on: December 21, 2021, 08:35:30 pm »
 For the benefit of anyone interested in my off-topic GPSDO battery backup modification, I can now report that I did replace the 100nF gate turn on delay capacitor with a 1uF ceramic cap and 1k smd series resistor a couple of days ago which proofed it against the relatively slow voltage ramp up when switching the bench supply on with the voltage set to 4.5v.

[EDIT 2022-01-01]  I upgraded the cap to 9uF a few days later once I'd figured out why I was still seeing the occasional lock out of the primary buck converter when plugging the supply jack plug into the DC jack socket. It seems this action was generating a "contact bounce" issue which needed a much longer 'de-bounce delay' to guarantee complete elimination of this pesky problem. It looks very much like I've finally won this game of  "Whack-a-mole" at long last. :)

 Mind you, I'm still paranoid enough to keep checking the 12v wallwart with an IR thermometer to look for the expected 3 to 4 degree temperature rise evidence that it is actually feeding power to my GPSDO.::)

 Whilst I'd had it apart, I also swapped back to the expanded polystyrene foam ocxo insulator cover, after replacing the 2cm thick block of soft sponge rubber pressure pad with a thinner 1cm thick foam rubber pad - it had been just too much of a squeeze to fit the larger 8mm thick 2500mA LiPo cell. I'd also made the same change to the polythene closed cell foam version which was just right for the thicker cell but a little on the slack side for the 4mm thick cell without adding a packing piece.

 I was interested in seeing whether there were any discernible differences in the thermal insulation properties between foam rubber, polystyrene foam and closed cell polythene foam. In all honesty, there really wasn't any obvious difference between any of those materials.

 At a room temperature just below 24 *C, the bench power supply amperage reads a steady 0.28A (0.29A corrected value) at an indicated 5.07v (5.0v at the DC jack terminals) with or without a 'fully charged' LiPo cell connected. The additional buck converter seems to have cost me just an extra 50mW on top of the original 1.4W consumption figure I'd obtained using 12 volt wallwarts which is a small price to pay for the twofold benefit of eliminating disruption to the OCXO during power supply swap outs and now being able to include USB wallwarts and power banks as alternative power sources.

 Since I have now successfully completed this modification and have nothing further to add, this will be my final off-topic posting on the subject of integrated battery backup protection for GPSDOs which just leaves me to wish everyone here a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. :)
« Last Edit: January 01, 2022, 02:32:46 am by Johnny B Good »
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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #585 on: December 22, 2021, 02:31:20 pm »
and the following (see picture) and surprisingly this one is a dual rail boost converter. I have no idea where I bought it, it can come from Aliexpress.

I fed it with 12 volts and it gives 2x 13.5 volts with 0.5 amps with an efficiency of 75...80% depending of the input voltage.
Ripple about 40 mV.


This one ??


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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #586 on: December 22, 2021, 04:07:15 pm »
Yes that‘s it! Be careful with higher loads and watch the temperature of the caps.

Offline Johnny B Good

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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #587 on: December 22, 2021, 06:01:46 pm »
Banggood are selling them as well, admittedly about 30% dearer (allowing for the use of vat free pricing by AliExpress) but you do get much swifter delivery times (2nd January versus AliExpress's promised 23 March estimated delivery date! >:D)

 The main issue in this application is the possibility of loading up the negative rail with insufficient loading on the positive rail (quite possible when using the "DC waveform" option and outputting -12v (-6v into 50 ohm loads)... on both channels simultaneously. Admittedly a worst case scenario but a close second worst case scenario can happen when outputting 24v p-p square waves at milliHertz frequencies into 50 ohm loads (12v p-p in this case) from both channels in phase. In both cases, a maximum loading of 480mA oops! forgot about the internal 50 ohms, 240mA (plus maybe some 40mA of permanent vampire loading on each rail).

 Since this is only an issue with the negative rail  when the positive is very lightly loaded, one way to get around this would be to use a buck converter driven from the positive rail to supply the plus 5 volt rail. Alternatively, if you've added a 12v OCXO to the circuit, you can use this to provide the loading on the 12/13.5v rail to meet the requirement for taking power from the negative rail. The AE CQE ocxos I'm using have a peak warm up demand of 280mA which drops to just 75mA at 12v once up to temperature so should be a good solution for me if I decide to use one of these modules in a future psu upgrade.

 You'll have to do some testing to determine the minimum current draw requirement on the +12/13.5 volt rail to maintain stability on the negative rail before deciding how to use it in your FY6900 if you want to ensure that you don't suffer any unexpected problems.

 I'm tempted to order one (from Bangood to take advantage of the 1 week delivery) or a couple from AliExpress and risk having to wait until mid February before I can start experimenting. AliExpress have demonstrated a rather dire performance on meeting their promised delivery dates whereas Bangood's performance has been quite good over the past couple of years in this respect. Choices, choices, choices. >:( I have no need of swift delivery but I'd prefer to reduce the risk of dropping dead before the goods are actually delivered into the hands of my grieving widow. :(


 I've just realised why AliExpress were showing two price options. You have to click on the option selection boxes (marked as "colour") to see the distinction. In this case, the cheaper option is due to the absence of screw terminal blocks. Since I have a pack of ten 3 terminal blocks somewhere in my stock of parts anyway and am prepared to wait a month or two longer on delivery, I'm going to place an order for two of the solder only versions with AliExpress to add to my ever growing stock of dc-dc converter modules.

 BTW, it's worth checking out Banggood's listings when shopping on AliExpress since you often see a more detailed and informative technical product description. In this case, the following list:-

Input voltage: 3.6~30V
Output voltage:  ±3~±30V adjustable
Maximum output power: 20W
Conversion efficiency :69-89%
Quiescent current: 3-4mA
Working frequency 180KHz
Operating temperature : -40 to +85 ℃
Size : 60 x 34 x 15 mm
Weight :  33g
- High efficiency up to 89%
- Built in Frequency Compensation
- Built in Soft-Start Function
- Built in Thermal Shutdown Function
- Built in Current Limit Function

« Last Edit: December 22, 2021, 07:32:55 pm by Johnny B Good »

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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #588 on: December 22, 2021, 11:33:06 pm »
 I gave into temptation and ordered two from AliExpress using two different vendors to escape the sudden application of shipping fees when you increase the quantity beyond the initial free shipping charges option shown for a single item (one of the many curiosities of AliEpress's ordering system).

 With the VAT included, the order came to exactly nine quid. Since VAT is applied to both the item price and shipping charges, it's worth the extra effort to avoid shipping charges (it's not the first time I've had to split my order between vendors to keep the overall costs down).

 It's not entirely clear but I should 'benefit' from combined shipping due to exceeding the "on orders over £5.26" pre-VAT value. However, after trying to copy that phrase, it seems to have been a link to various shipping options including the combined orders one so I'm not so sure this will apply to my already executed order.

 Here is where Banggood stands head and shoulders over the shambles that is AliExpress's on line store. >:(

Never mind, I wasn't in any great hurry and the end price was a third less than Banggood's. It just means I've yet another parcel or two to arrive at some indeterminate time in the near/far future. :-//


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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #589 on: December 23, 2021, 08:33:44 am »
Yesterday I had the first real life usage of my now batterie powered FY6900.
I used it for external triggering of my SDM3065 to get fast readings with constant frequency.
No big deal, I think 2 Vpp square wave 25 Hz. And I forgot it. 4 hours later I remembered the still running box.
Batterie was down to 12.0 V (starting from 12.6 V) Overall not that bad.

John I‘m aware of the problem with unsymmetrical load on the boost converter but I have sufficient lab power supplies
by the hand (new add to the shelf Siglent SPD3303X) for this kind of extrem usage. The only time I used the
DC-mode of my other FG was for biasing a JFET for measurements of it‘s specs.
mHz or micro-Hertz usage makes no sense with batterie power due to the limited run time. The FY mainboard was measured with about +/- 60mA  at +/- 13.5 volts during „normal“ usage.
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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #590 on: December 25, 2021, 02:24:47 pm »
Just opened this - the venerable item of this thread. First checkout looks good - no problems noted. Opened it up and the construction looks pretty good. Very clean PCBs. Didn't remove the sticker from the buzzer but it's loud may put it back on  :-DD. Ground checks good and clean to outside earth and to front BNCs (B- on connector to main board is same as ground also).

Quickie check of waveforms looks good. I did install the software and updated it to v6.5 from the internet. I need someone to explain the firmware versions however. My unit states it has v1.4. When I initiate the firmware update from the software, it comes back with this -

Signal Generation Model: FY6900

Current firmware version: v1.4

Latest firmware version: v1.3

Is this normal for them, i.e. going backward in numbering for the latest version? Seems weird that the source for the firmware wouldn't be up to date.  :-//

I told my friends I could teach them to be funny, but they all just laughed at me.

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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #591 on: December 26, 2021, 03:13:11 pm »
First mod today - the knob on this thing ... well it sucks. Way too thin and clumsy for my tastes.  :--

Searching through my knob drawer, I found some that would fit the shaft. They are metal knobs with a plastic insert. They have a nice weight to them and will make it a lot easier to twirl the knob. I had to remove the skirt from the knob with a Dremel with cut-off wheel because the encoder shaft is so short.

Now that's what I'm talkin' about!
I told my friends I could teach them to be funny, but they all just laughed at me.
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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #592 on: December 30, 2021, 11:12:38 am »
Has anybody bought an FY6900 from banggood?
I bought an FY6900 60Mhz last Dec 03, and up to now the shipping status is still in "processing". In short - it hasn't been shipped yet.

I bought A LOOOTTTT of stuff from BG before and never had any problems or delays whatsoever. THIS IS THE FIRST TIME.
Is this a problem with banggood, or a shortage on the supplier side?

When I purchased this item, the expected shipping date is Dec 12 and it keeps on moving and moving and just now its on Jan 07! What's next March 2033???
Feels like my money is in hostage if you ask me. Very very annoying.
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Offline Johnny B Good

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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #593 on: January 01, 2022, 01:50:35 am »
 Shit happens!

 I had a similar problem just over a year ago with a cheap Longwei LW-K3020D bench psu (the version that sports 4 digit volts and amps displays) where it had remained stuck in the processed stage for nearly a fortnight before I gave up and cancelled so I could re-order it at the new reduced price point (about 2 quid cheaper on the original 40 something quid price).

 I'd figured it could hardly add much more delay on delivery. As it happened it took another 3 or 4 weeks for this one to finally arrive. Still, the 2 quid or so saving had been some consolation for the original delay. :)

 Talking of slow shipments, that GNSS/RTK antenna and associated components I'd ordered from AliExpress that I'd been waiting on, did finally arrive at the eleventh hour (10:35 am) on the 24th, just in time (figuratively speaking) to be placed under the Christmas tree. :phew:

 True to their promise, they had consolidated my six items order into a combined delivery which was handy since half the components I'd ordered had been given expected delivery dates for mid to late January. :)

Offline john_mallord

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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #594 on: January 07, 2022, 09:55:02 am »
Looking at my order status - now shipping date been moved to on or before Jan 15!
From Dec 10 to Jan 15 just for order processing.

I don't think its a problem with BG though, most prolly a shortge of supply from FeelElec themselves!

I hope any FeelElec representative could read this and provide an explanation.
This is ridiculous!

And looks like there's no way to cancel my order. Can't find the damn cancel button.

Should have bought DG811 in the first place. Would prolly got it before Christmas.

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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #595 on: January 07, 2022, 01:04:08 pm »

 If it's still stuck at that awaiting shipment stage, you should still be able to cancel the order. I had the same situation with that bench power supply and it needed a bit of detective work to find the cancellation option. When I mentioned earlier the fact that AliExpress's e-shop was a shambles by comparison to BG, keep in mind the use of the phrase, "by comparison". ::)

 I had to trawl through the several account options to track it down. I think I'd even had to use the help section before I finally found where they'd hidden it. I guess, they wanted to save their customers grief from an 'accidental press' of the cancel button by making the process a little more convoluted than merely having it placed alongside the other options. >:D

 Try their 'help' section. Air, it was one of the previously asked questions. Once I'd found it, the process was relatively straightforward afaicr. It was over a year ago after all and I think the only time I'd cancelled an order that had completed payment and processing but was stuck at the awaiting shipment stage.

 You should still be able to cancel unless your request, seemingly mysteriously, jogs it into the 'shipped out stage'. I think I'd experienced this magical effect of a cancellation request clearing this 'log jam' shipping delay but, again, this must have been with an even earlier order so my memory is a little hazy on this point.

 Either way, whatever the outcome, it's worth tracking down the cancellation option. Good luck and have a happy new year. :)
« Last Edit: January 07, 2022, 05:19:44 pm by Johnny B Good »
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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #596 on: January 12, 2022, 01:19:23 pm »
Has anyone who owns the FY6900H-100M model coped with the lack of communication between the PC and the generator? I tested four CH340 controllers with no results. Every time I get error "380" as described earlier. Repeated attempt to contact the manufacturer FeelTech also without answer. Probably the software from 2019 does not fit this model.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2022, 01:26:36 pm by Janwoj »

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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #597 on: January 16, 2022, 12:26:39 am »
I have managed to talk with a BG customer service for the 3rd time, and guess what? My order just magically moved! The new status says it got sterilized and was shipped out yesterday. Now waiting for it to be delivered in here. Felt bad for a little pep talk I did with the CS though  :-X

Btw, is the FY6900, or signal generators in general - are isolated from the mains source?

I just watched the amazing vid from Dave, how not to blow your oscilloscope, and was wondering if FY6900 has got an isolation transformer inside too.
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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #598 on: January 16, 2022, 02:48:02 am »

Btw, is the FY6900, or signal generators in general - are isolated from the mains source?

I just watched the amazing vid from Dave, how not to blow your oscilloscope, and was wondering if FY6900 has got an isolation transformer inside too.

 :-DD I laugh because no not even close.

If you roll back through the earlier 6600 part of this thread the Power Supply and ground on the front panel was floating at near 100V. We did some fixes for it with additional Caps and bleeder resistors and some also swapped out the Supply entirely.

So Test it when you get it.
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Re: FeelElec New Arrival FY-6900 Signal Generator
« Reply #599 on: January 16, 2022, 06:33:49 am »

Btw, is the FY6900, or signal generators in general - are isolated from the mains source?

I just watched the amazing vid from Dave, how not to blow your oscilloscope, and was wondering if FY6900 has got an isolation transformer inside too.

 :-DD I laugh because no not even close.

If you roll back through the earlier 6600 part of this thread the Power Supply and ground on the front panel was floating at near 100V. We did some fixes for it with additional Caps and bleeder resistors and some also swapped out the Supply entirely.

So Test it when you get it.

Alright. Will definitely look and will post more once I got the unit.
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