Products > Test Equipment

Replacement Knobs, Feet and Fittings for Test Equipment

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After long FreeCad trial and understanding as in addition required 3D printing cycles too... I have it now  :phew:

but as 3D printing with matching colors is still an issue as it looks not available  :palm:

BTW: it is for LeCroy 6000, 7000, 8000 models..



--- Quote from: hpw on May 19, 2023, 08:52:59 am ---but as 3D printing with matching colors is still an issue as it looks not available  :palm:

--- End quote ---

Good work, but for color we sometimes need to use high quality model paint, such as Tamiya (flat or gloss), to get a closer color match.  :-+

Tamiya Paint

Looks like a nice fit. Can you please share files here? Thx.


as I am restoring an R&S SMIQ, I needed the potentiometer knobs for the LCD.
I created them in Inventor 2021, step file is also included.
Printed with a resin 3D printer.

Front panel for Agilent PSU E3648A and for the rest of the line.

Minor inaccuracies may exist.

If anyone is interested i have .ipt file, but it is too large to upload here.


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