Products > Test Equipment

Replacement Knobs, Feet and Fittings for Test Equipment

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TERRA Operative:

--- Quote from: sneily on September 10, 2024, 09:40:13 pm ---Looking for a set of feet of the HP 3455A Voltmeter.

So far my search is unsuccessful.


--- End quote ---

It looks like you can use the standard HP clip-in feet like part number 5041-8801 etc.
There may be a few part numbers for this style foot, they all should 'just fit'.

I found other comments on this forum indicating there are numerous different part numbers for feet that will fit. This expands my search net considerably and I am now seeing some options available.

It make sense. The older feet were darker "brown" with rubber on rear feet. Then the same feet was used for the front and back (without rubber). Last iteration is grey. But the mounting pattern is the same across HP equipment including computers.

I found a set of 4 on ebay of the proper color for my unit (brown or green). And this set includes two of the wire tilt-stands. So happy ending for me.

By the way, for anyone interested, Keysight still manufactures these feet and tilt-stands and you can order new, directly from Keysight. Though I think they only supply gray ones (a dark gray and a light gray).


I've recently got a beat-up Yokogawa 7651 from Japan, hence the need for replacement rear bumper and rear feet.
Since the forum doesn't like step files, I've put them in a zip. Please find them attached  ^-^


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