Products > Test Equipment

Replacement Knobs, Feet and Fittings for Test Equipment

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Tektronix TM500 series plug-in pull tab mechanism. This is the newer version that uses spring metal.

STL file in txt format to get around forum restrictions. Change the file back to STL and it should work fine.

Update: The 3D model has been revised. Previously v4 is now outdated. v6 is the new current version. Please download v6.

The change was made to make the coupling mechanism between the pull tab and the latch release more tolerant.

Tektronix 7000 Series Basic Plug-in Chassis 3D model.

The Plug-in top and bottom part basics are modeled after the 5000 series and TM500 series plug-ins but are just longer to fit the 7000 series. They are split into two parts to make 3D printing easier if need be. I've included the plastic bar and plastic lever that keeps the plug-in latched in in the 3D model. The design will probably be improved later. First thing to be added will probably be the latch release mechanism for the 7000 series.

I have not included a 3D model because then it would be difficult to separate the other parts of it to 3D print. So I'll just add the tinkercad link for better freedom.

The plug-ins seem to fit well in my 7613 so I see no problems. The current latch mechanism works but is still finicky.

In its current state it can be used as a storage or plug-in bay filler.

New entirely revised Tektronix 7000 Series Basic Plug-in Chassis 3D model

I've recently started getting used to the big boys' CAD software, I must say, onshape is much more powerful than Tinkercad.

I recreated the entire model in onshape complete with the cutouts and latch release mechanism.

I haven't 3D printed this one yet because I ran out of filament, so I can't fully guarantee that it works as expected. However, when it's assembled in CAD in the assembly tab, it looks exceptionally promising.

The design can still be tweaked quite a bit more, but the one in onshape is much better than the Tinkercad one.

This essentially renders my previous post obsolete.

Here's the link for export and download. I think I set all the settings correctly. If I did something wrong, pls tell me:

Update: I managed to print it with the limited amount of filament I had. It works well. There needed to be a couple tweaks made sure, but not much at all. I am satisfied with its performance. I'll make the changes tomorrow.

Update 2: I have finalized the design. I've modeled the new version of the latch release and it works much better than the old one. It should be under the tab "Newer Latch Bar". I can't see much room for improvement, so I'll leave it up to others to further improve it if they want.


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