I have PLA2216 and DHO804. So I want to try the LA probe with hacked DHO.
great! looking forward to see the original probe in action on DHO800 hacked.
Mechatrommer, tell us, please, did you add an unpopulated (missed) bulky surface mounted diode above that two op amp ICs? And why are the TP1282 dual op amps ICs unobtainable?
for LA to operate on DHO800, in HW level you'll need to install:
1) 2x TP1282 designated b and c in OP picture (i replaced them the with 2x OPA2350)
2) 1x MPM3630 (intended for 4V rail to the LA probe)
and you need to go through this process (now i'm publishing it here)
TP1282 is not available anywhere the time i checked for it, but since i have OPA2350 in stock (and available anywhere and aliexpress), looking at spec is not too far off, so i tried it and afaik is a success! i guess other dual opamps with similar vssop footprint can be tried ymmv. MPM3630 is available in aliexpress. it is used as 4V rail to LA probe. installing it is quite tricky, so i'm providing plan B to supply that rail from external 5V powerbank trough USBC connector, if anyone are not willling to install MPM3630 internally, see attached circuit (advises welcomed). you can also see where the USBC connector in above attachments.
the difference between dho800 and dho900 pcb (missing components) are highlighted in post
https://www.eevblog.com/forum/testgear/hacking-the-rigol-dho800900-scope/msg5339129/#msg5339129 (let me update the attachment in OP) mainly which i think affect functionality/feature of the scope... few (4x) TP1282 opamps are missing and 1x MPM3630 and few IDC connectors. and also the 2x DDR3L RAM, i think other missing components on dho800 also missing on DHO900... fwiw ymmv..
anchor related post #1:
https://www.eevblog.com/forum/testgear/hacking-the-rigol-dho800900-scope/msg5352692/#msg5352692anchor related post #2: