Time has come.

After seeing this new big-LCD DMMs like 34461A which Dave recently reviewed, and mm, new Keithley SMU with touch-screen..
Let's show some respect to good-old instruments, with bright nice VFD with 180°C viewing angles and simple interfaces which don't require
reading user manual to begin work.
Small intro - I work mostly with digital stuff, various microcontrollers projects and last few years PC components design. As with most of folks who started with electronics, first tool was some pos cheapo DMM. Then it become full-time stuff and I got decent Fluke 87V, which still working as first day, and covering 99% of needs for DMM usages. But I always wanted to get some more accuracy for analog circuit needs, and needed some real system/bench meter with nice display, good accuracy and interfacing to capture and process measurement data. But since there was no actual project-critical need, one could never justify spending hundreds on great meter. Till now.
But I do like messing with hardware, digging PCB design solutions and repairing stuff as hobby, so once I saw broken Keithley 2001 7.5 DMM on sale, I decided - now or never and pull a trigger. After couple weeks I got it in my hands, beast had some burnt components on PCB, but was able to power on. I loved it's screen, function set right a way. After this my DMM soul was sold to Keithey, as that was years ago.
After few weeks of digging thru service manual, messing with analog PCB I got it "working", it was able to take sort-a meaningful measurements but still failing some self-tests. Few years pass... I got somehow addicted to Keithley and bought total 7 (yes, seven) broken 2001's and even managed to get SMU 2400 with broken VFD (had to salvage one of 2001 screens to fix it). And because some of 2001's were missing small ADC board, i have now 3 complete meters and some parts. All meters had front-end failures due to leaky capacitors which corroded PCB traces.

Now my plan is to repair at least these 3 meters to fully functional state, to have self-test pass and to be able of running calibrating routine.
It's rather difficult for me, because i have minor experience in analog and precision stuff, but I'm eager to learn

Schematics reversing is in progress currently:
Schematics in PDF and DSNI use Cadence Orcad for schematics, but export to Adobe to PDF as well.
Toolkit I have for aid this project:
HP 33120 15MHz ARB
TLA715 logic analyzer (I had plan to reverse how ADC board is interfaced so bought a TLA for it

. Maybe can do DIY ADC board later with ALTERA FPGA's i have lying around)
CSA7404 scope (have TDS5034 with various probes at work lab too)
Keithley 2400 SMU (calibration state unknown, but assumed working in spec) (UPDATE: Completed calibration at January 2014)
Keithley 2002 (uncalibrated)
EDC MV106 (calibration unknown, but matches voltage cell within 140uV

Eppley 809684 Standard Voltage Cell 1.01909VDC @ 70F (history unknown, bought off ebay. It's resting already for couple month on table)
So second non-easy task will be to get resistance and voltage sources for calibrating K2001's. Per service manual, it needs 2VDC, 20VDC,20.75k,1.75Mohm for DC and Ohms calibration. I'm don't have access anything precise like 3458a, and because I currently work in Taiwan full-time, there are some language problems to get verification

I hope it's okay if I
link my related keithley-repair redmine project here.
Also I have mercurial repository to keep all related files
Anyone is free to download everything, it's open project for fun.
Let's make it alive
EDIT 8.APR.2015
Model 2001 Multimeter, Calibration Manual, 2001-M-905-01 Rev. H / Mar 2011Model 2001 Multimeter, Repair Manual Addendum Schematics part 2, 2001-902-07 Rev. C / March 2011Model 2001 Multimeter, Operator's Manual, 2001-M-900-01 Rev. K / March 2011Model 2001 Multimeter, Repair Manual Addendum Schematics part 1, 2001-902-06 Rev. C / March 2011Model 2001 Multimeter, Repair Manual Addendum, 2001-902-05 Rev. C / March 2011