Post Revival:
I was almost about to pull the trigger on a Uni-Trickortreat UT210E clamp meter and I spotted this post
I bought this unloved Mastech MS2108A pawn special ridiculously cheap a while back in it's pouch, looked like it never got switched on
been sitting in a car boot bag for ages for those odd times I ?might? need it (if I remember it's there)
I did not realize till I saw the Youtube video posted above
that this meter does DC current, and can zero it out with the REL button
The one I have was literally new and works great, with no selector control issues, it's solid and turns and stops as it should,
the supplied Mastech leads are ok, short n sweet and plug in all the way with no problem.
Serial number is MBDIC 081xx
I did put a small stickon yellow dot on the selector knob so I could see where it was switched to,
a grey arrow on a grey circular knob (...and another
Dumbass Design Alert) in a dark place tells me nothing
Klein does irritating things like this too, I use a stickon orange dot for that one