Products > Test Equipment

Rigol DG1022U Reviews


johnny diaz:
Hi All,

Long time lurker first time posting.  First let me say that this is an awesome website and have learned alot.  I'm just starting out in the world of electronics and am looking to purchase a new function generator and was thinking about getting the Rigol DG1022U.  It will be used for home use.  What are your thoughts of it?   It is on ebay right now for $421.  Also, what is the difference between  arbitrary waveform function generator and just a function generator.  The budget for now is $500 so if you think something else would be better for now and few years later lets hear it.


Do not buy that unit. I own the DG2041A and I am very displeased with it. However, I'd recommend the DG4062. It costs more ($800), but you won't regret shelling out the extra bucks for it.

johnny diaz:
What is it that you dislike? Also, how does the DG4062 differ from the DG1022U or DG2041A?

I'd also like to hear what's wrong with the 20MHz 1022.
I've had one for a few months now and the thing performs just like advertised. Of course, it is a basic function generator, but as a hobbyist, it will take a long time before you outgrow it.

I've got the DG1022 which I got directly from Rigol NA for $379. I'm probably not a very demanding user, but I do like it. The user interface fairly simple to figure out without having to flip through the manual.

My use of it thus far has been to generate low frequency (e.g., less than 10kHz) signals at a specified offset and amplitude. It works well for that, but seems to be fairly noisy at low levels. If you need to generate a 10mV signal without an attenuator, be prepared to live with about the same amount in noise.


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