Now I will try to make a "game mode" without fan, but most likely I need to make a binary changes in a fan_gpio_clt.ko to make a screen work (backlight/brightness doesn't do the trick).
I decompiled this module and only one thing it do is turning on and off single GPIO pin. Looks like fan and a backlight are powered from this pin, so for now it will be impossible to turn off the fan and have internal screen visible.
Anyway, I did a game mode in this script - new version is in the attachment.
Make this to go into pseudo-sleep:
/rigol/shell/ off
Turn it back on:
/rigol/shell/ on
Game mode (scope app disabled and it will not work when loaded by hand). To use scope app, use argument "on", as above.
/rigol/shell/ letsplay
Modes can be switched at any time, no matter what mode was before.
Physical power switch most likely will turn it off completely - maybe upgrading Launcher up to 1.03 will help? I will try it tomorrow, because Im tired.