Here's my attempt to catalog the bugs and wish list items for the Rigol DS1000Z oscilloscopes. This should apply to the regular and -s versions, but may not apply to the MSO versions) I'll try to modify this top post as people add their found bugs and wish list items. Hopefully Rigol will see this thread and respond to it.
This list is for software version: 00.04.02.SP4 only.
I'll get this started by posting a few that I've come across (some of which appear elsewhere in this forum).
1) The new Large and Extra Large measurement fonts are nice, but they are reset to Normal on each power cycle. This should be retained like all the measurement settings are.
2) The Select Item sub-menu on the Measurement menu has 5 check boxes implying that it should be useable for Normal font too, but it's grayed out. The only way to remove a measurement from the screen using Normal font is a power off/on cycle.
One member has already suggested that the left side menu as a series of on/off toggles as the means for including/removing the measurement. This in conjunction with the Select Item sub-menu (which could turn on/off the display position of an item) might give maximum flexibility and ease of use.
3) The FFT function only works for channel 1. However it will work for the other channels as long as channel 1 is turned on. It's actually more complicated than that for more detaisl see this thread:
Wish List Items:
A) Full screen X-Y mode, the current display is tiny.
B) Decoders should allow DATASRC to be either Trace or Memory. This is documented in the manual but apparently only Trace is implemented, so this might be a bug.
C) When displaying a math function allow the underlying channels to be hidden.
D) Compress and move the waveform to the bottom of the screen when Measure All is on.
E) Allow Measure All to be selected in the AUTO options menu.
F) Allow the left and right menus to be hidden and expand the waveform to fill the extra screen space.
G) When selecting a channel, show some corresponding channel color around the settings instead of having everything in just white. Maybe just change the color of the tiny CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4 label next to the Coupling setting.
H) Use a larger font for the popup keyboard.
I) Save the last few file names in the Storage menu for faster access. Maybe use the left side menu for this?
J) Allow the trace Display Persistence Time to be turned off -- instead of just MIN. The scope would then just show each waveform as it's captured and blank the display before showing the next. Even the MIN persistence level can hide some detail.
Below is my list of Bugs and wishes.
4) Brightness slider is covered when the 3 measurements are visible in Large Font Size mode. There is plenty of space for this and other indicators (e.g. HW counter) in the lower right corner of the screen (right side of the channel selector bars)
5) Offset between channels 1 and 2 when they are both on low range (1mV). SelfCal does not fix this.
6) MATH Chanel information (e.g. MATH (CH1+CH2) 1.000V ) in lower left corner of the screen is covered when the 3 measurements are visible in Large Font Size mode.
Wish List Items:
K) Different color for MATH trace (maybe green or red). The color MATH trace is very similar to the color CH4 line.
L) Selectable FFT size for example: 128, 256, 512, 1024 points (accuracy vs speed).
M) Selectable digital Low and High pass filter for measurment channels like in the DS1052E.
N) Automatic measurements end cursor for FFT (e.g frequency and amplitude of the first harmonic and other usefull measurements ).
O) No information on the main screen about Edge trigger couplink mode (i.e. small icon or text DC, AC, LFR, HFR next to speaker ikon in the lower right corner).
P) To small coupling icon on the channel selector bars.
R) Channel selector bar for MATH and REF.
S) Button for Trigger Coupling should be in the Trig main menu ( lowest tab), not in the settings tab.
T) A little bigger and bold font for Time Base (maybe another color - red) and Trigger Level on the upper bar.
U) Cursors A and B with a different color or shade. Faster and smoother cursor update are also welcome.
W) Selectable items for History Graph ( selection menu like in large font mode for automatic measurments).
Y) Compress and move the waveform to the bottom of the screen when DispHistory is on. Selectable time base for History Graph are also welcome (e.g 1, 2, 5 ,10, 20, 50, 100 ms /s /min/h ).
Sorry for my poor English
