Easy way.
I made a new thumb-drive with the firmware, pluged it in and start the scope. And viola, the screen doesn't show the calibration failure screen anymore and want do a firmware update. NOW the buttons working. I have no idea what happens yesterday.
Startup reset wouldn't work. If I tried this, it beeps a few times, than the beeper wouldn't stop and ALL the grey buttons are dead, no way to stop it.
The issues, a few posts up, are still there.
But for now the Rigol does what I need it to. Hope you get yours running again.
It is NOT the scope, its
If I know the issues I can deal with it, because it is cheap and functional.
BUT RIGOL knows all the listed bugs we found here over the years and they still didn't fix them? Why? The older Scopes has some hardware failures. OKAY, can I deal with, but why the heck RIGOL says nothing about this problem? Only one set in the Doku, maybe "Hardware Vers. 1.1.2 freeze bug can't be fixed" and all is fine. But no, there's no comment about some bugs anywhere and RIGOL loughing, jumps around and sell more and more of this not fixable crap without any comment. High five RIGOL!
Maybe two years ago, this RIGOL member here says they have no Vers. 1.1.2 to test the bugs. Wanna kidding me ?!
If RIGOL wanna play fair, they should upload the schematics for the old and the new hardware, a hex dump from the chips, so we have a chance (maybe) to fix our scopes himself.
I have no idea why all the schematics today set to cosmic top secret. Normal a schematic should be in the instruction manual. For me a shematic is a "must have".
Maybe they are afraid someone is rebuilding it on a breadboard and sell it as original with CE on the back.
RIGOL Service is my problem , not the scope itself.
Not the "Pluses" is a joke, the whole service is a joke. So I don't buy RIGOL anymore and good. Learned my lesson.
*Exsample Fluke. I send in a 30 years old Fluke 8840A for calibration. One Knob wouldn't work sometimes, not a real deal. It comes back with a complete new Front, new Knobs and a Letter
"Thank you for using our Service". So what should I say ?!