Thanks BravoV,
did you run self-calibration without problems?
That is where issues seem to be sticking their head out.
Yes, after the upgrade process finished, turned the power off, power on again, and straight to the long self-calibration process, and it finished without any problem.
Forgot to mention, before doing the upgrade, I did the memory "sanitation" 1st as Rigol document stated, just want to make sure its like fresh from factory, which are :
- Clear the internal volatile memory :
- Restore Power Of Setup restored to "Default" :
Buttons pressed = UTILITY > SYSTEM > POWER SET = Default
- Then power off the unit.
- Power on, insert the "blank" USB flash drive, to check whether it recognizes the USB first, and it did.
(PS : "blank" means a freshly formatted 8GB FAT32 with 4K alloc. and without any file in it as its freshly formatted.
- Unplugged the flash drive, brought it to my computer, copied "only" the single .GEL file, as I mentioned above, its the only file in the drive and at the root directory.
- Plugged the flash drive, instantly it recognized the new firmware, proceeded next as my previous post's photos.
Thats all.
Here is the USB drive details from Windows standard check disk result (CHKDSK), formatted under Win 7 x64 from the Explorer, right click at the drive and quick format using default allocation.
The type of the file system is FAT32.
Volume USB 8G created 4/19/2016 9:58 AM
Volume Serial Number is 503E-347B
Windows is verifying files and folders...
File and folder verification is complete.
Windows has checked the file system and found no problems.
7,551,380 KB total disk space.
4,632 KB in 1 files.
7,546,744 KB are available.
4,096 bytes in each allocation unit.
1,887,845 total allocation units on disk.
1,886,686 allocation units available on disk.