I am surprised that I could not find any reference to the following bug in the list yet:
When setting the number of averages using :ACQuire:AVERages <int>
and setting acquisition mode to :ACQuire:TYPE AVERages and :RUN the scope,
there is no way to find out how many averages have been acquired.
So if I want to acquire a certain number of averages of an event that only occurs every now and then, I have no way to find out via a query sent to the scope.
The closest I can get to finding out whether an acquisition of a certain number of averages has finished is to look at the number of counts displayed on the screen by enabling any statistics item in diff mode. This can be done by sending the following command sequence prior to starting the acquisition with :RUN
:MEASure:STATistic:DISPlay 1
As soon as triggers come in the "cnt" will be displayed in the statistics on the screen. However this value cannot be read. The only valid commands to read statistic items are MAXimum|MINimum|CURRent|AVERages|DEViation. No counts.

I have interfaced HP/Agilent/Keysight and Tektronix scopes before in my day job. - I never came across a scope that wouldn't tell you how many averages it has acquired (Tektronix) or if the acquisition of a certain number of averages is complete (HP/Agilent/Keysight) software Boot version firmware