Wow. I'm getting a reproducible bug that's pretty darn severe.
The scope freezes up, becomes totally non-responsive (but still displays live waveform) when the Horizontal Zoom mode is engaged, and a Persistence Time other than "min" is selected.
Cycling power restores functionality --- usually.
I discovered this on Firmware 04.02 and now have upgraded to Firmware 04.03 and it still does the same thing. One channel active, showing a waveform, select the Horiz. zoom mode by pressing the Horizontal Scale knob, select any Persistence Time other than Min ... and scope freezes.
If I select a persistence time _before_ selecting the Horiz. zoom mode... the scope freezes, and since I have "Last" set as power-on option, the scope comes up frozen after restarting !! So I have to do the "press repeatedly the 5th left menu button during startup" to get the scope back to responding again (reset to defaults, chinese language).
Am I the only one experiencing this?