It is very interesting to put a transistor in a simple test configuration using 3 resistors and an adjustable power supply, and measure simultaneously the collector current and the base current.
For a BC547, you can use a Rc=2K7, Rb=390K and Re=56ohms.
When you vary the base current from 10µA -> 20µA -> 30µA -> 40µA -> 50µA by increasing the supply voltage, note down each time the corresponding collector current.
Then for these various values, divide de collector current value by the base current value, to obtain the hFE
You will find that hFE will vary with the collector current (as was already stated by XFDDesign).
In addition, I measured the hFE using a TC1 component tester, and I can say the value shown by this tester was way out of line !
I would encourage you to do the same tests as well.
When measuring a power transistor like a 2N3055 you need lower values for the resistors: I took Rc=270ohms/5W, Rb=27K and emitter directly to GND.
Now adjust the power supply voltage so that the base current ranges say from 0,2mA upwards to 0,7mA or so.
Then note the corresponding collector currents, and calculate Ic/Ib=hFE
You may be surprised of the variation...
And if you have various transistors of the same type, it is also interesting to repeat the above test with a number of them.
I think you will find that hFE values are to be interpreted carefully.