Having had to help a friend out try to get his Olimex JTAG working, and following on from Slappy_g's excellent write up, I thought I would also post the information here on how to set up the Olimex reader with Win 7 64bit - I am sure this will also be the same for 32 bit
Drivers used are the ARM-USB-OCD-H-Drivers I posted a few pages back - Presume they would also work on non 'H' version.
Any reference to Capturexx is the screen shot that goes with the write up.
1. Right here we go – Attach Olimex JTAG reader to USB port, hopefully you will hear the beep and 2 'other devices' will have appeared in Device Manager.
2. Right click first ‘other device’ (Olimex) – update driver software – browse my computer for driver software – enter location in window (browse button to find directory) then ‘next’ – ‘Capture2
3. Choose ‘Install this driver software anyway’ option – Capture3
4. Success, it has installed the driver for USB serial converter A – Capture4
5. Repeat steps 2~4 for remaining ‘other device’ and USB Serial converter B installed – Capture5
6. You should now have 2 new ‘other devices’ (USB Serial Ports) – (If not press rescan icon on icon bar at top of device manager) AND USB Serial Converters A & B under USB Conrollers – Capture6
7. Right click first ‘other device’ (USB Serial Port) – update driver software – browse my computer for driver software – enter location in window (browse button to find directory) then ‘next’ – ‘Capture7
8. Once again ‘Install this driver software anyway’ – Capture8
9. We now have a new USB Serial Port (Com12 in MY case) under Ports – Capture9
10. Repeat above for remaining ‘other device’ (USB Serial Port) as above – Capture10
11. So far, so good

- We should now have 2 new USB Serial Ports and 2 new USB Serial Converters A & B – Capture11
12. Now load Zadig – Choose Olimex (Interface 0) and press replace driver button – Capture12 & 13 (See Slappy_g's post on page 5)
13. Device Manager should now have changed to 1 USB Serial Port (COM13 in MY case), USB Serial Converter B and Olimex (Interface 0) – Capture14
14. Now the Fun Starts!! Connect Olimex to DSO and switch DSO on - Open up your Blackin ‘bin folder’, open up 2 command windows (shift/right click) in ‘bin’ folder, and in first Command window type : ‘ bfin-gdbproxy.exe --debug bfin --frequency=5000000 ‘ - Capture15
15. Hopefully it will work and show as per the image.
16. If we do get this far, in second Command window type: ‘ bfin-elf-gdb.exe THEN target remote :2000 THEN info mem ‘ – Capture16
17. By Now I hope you are cheering

18 Then type in second Command window: dump binary memory <filename>.bin 0x00000000 0x01FFFFFF Use a name of your choice for <filename>