Hi all.
I want to share with you my program for easy screen capture of the Rigol ds1054z oscilloscope. This is a beta version of the program, as it was tested on only one device.
The program allows you to capture the oscilloscope screen via USB and LAN connection:
- To capture a screen via a USB connection, an installed Rigol IVI USB driver (VISA32.DLL) is required.
- To capture the screen via LAN it is required that the PC and the oscilloscope are on the same local network.
Description of the program controls (look at "
Main window.png"):
Group "Connect to Rigol instrument":- Button "Connect via USB" - When you click on this button, an attempt is made to load the Rigol IVI USB driver. If the attempt is successful, the USB bus is polled to find available devices, then the connection to the first one from the list is made (shown in "Capture screen via USB.png").
- Button "Connect via LAN"- When you click this button, an attempt is made to connect to the oscilloscope via LAN using the IP address specified in the field located to the left of the button (shown in "Capture screen via LAN.png").
In case of a successful connection, the indicator will turn green color.
Group "Image settings":There are three checkboxes here that allow you to customize the appearance of the final image. For example "invert+crop" can be used for publication in literature (look at "
Group "File save settings":Here you can select the path to save the files, as well as in a separate field you can specify a description of the file being created, this description will be added to the file name.
Group "Screen":- Button "Capture to file" - When you click on this button, the screen is captured and saved to the specified folder with the specified description. You can display the file in Windows Explorer by clicking on button "Show File".
- Button "Capture to clipboard" - When you click on this button, the screen is captured, the captured image is saved in the clipboard, after which you can paste it (Ctrl + V) into any program that supports this (Paint, Photoshop, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Power Point). This eliminates unnecessary operations with image files. If you lost captured image from clipboard (maybe copyed some text), you can copy it again without screen capture by click at "Copy this image ->".
Group Hotkey:You can bind hotkays for "Capture to file" or/and "Capture to clipboard" buttons.
"Config" checkbox (look at "Main window - config.png"):This checkbox allows you to open additional program settings.
- LAN Timeout - this is the time during which an attempt is made to access the IP address if Ping is OK.
- MAX Ping value - this is the maximum ping time of the IP address that is allowed to connect to the device. My ds1054z is connected connected via an unstable WIFI connection, which made it possible to debug many problems when receiving a screenshot of the via LAN with an unstable communication channel. If the LAN channel is unstable, the transfer progress of the screen capture will notify the progress bar at the top of the image.
- Store config to INI file - if this checkbox is selected, when the application is closed, its settings will be saved to the INI file (including the IP address).
- Log - The main actions of the program and the problems that arise are recorded in the log. The log is written only if the config checkbox is selected.
Virustotal check:
https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/b03296f1b0eed138e85bc1b30bab1858ebace89f0d4da32f778d7376b838eb16/detectionProgram file
RSC v0.1b.zip can be found attached to this post.
To disable Windows warning SmartScreen window for this program, please check the box "Unblock" in "RSC.exe" file Properties. (look at "Unblock app.png"). Sorry, but there is no other way to turn off the SmartScreen warning for this app yet.