Hi Rich, some more issues I encountered....
1. When using the general purpose knob to change trigger sources, the highlighted selection in the menu doesn't update until the scope fully switches to the new trigger source which takes ~1 second. So it's a clunky wait time before you get visual feedback on which source is currently selected. For example, if you want to move 3 spaces down you can't really zip the wheel down the list, you kinda have to repeat the delay 3 times. Yes, using touch can get around it but the knobs should work well too ideally.
2. When you open the Horizontal menu, tap the Horizontal Position field, and use the general purpose knob to adjust it, The sensitivity of the knob doesn't scale, it only moves by the smallest increment. So even with a long time base or a large initial setting (e.g. +1 sec), turning the adj knob only changes it by nanoseconds at a time. I think the sensitivity should be tied to the time base. Granted you'll usually use the dedicated H-POSITION knob for this but again, other controls should still behave sensibly.
3. The 2nd time I played around with the logic pods they got into a funky state that showed lots of noise across all channels, both logic ports and both pods in any configuration. It looked like noise-induced false edges all over the signal lines. I had 4 lines hooked to the pattern generator but the noise was on all 16. I tried pod grounding, individual line grounding, clearing the bench of other cabling, disconnecting USB, no change. I went through the full range of threshold and hysteresis adjustments, again only insignificant effects. After giving up, I soft power cycled the scope and that restored clean signals. I haven't been able to recreate it so far.
4. In the Pattern Gen modes SQUARE, COUNTER, ARB, and MANUAL I don't think I like the behavior when the PATTERN STATE toggle switch (on/off switch) is turned off. It acts like a pause button where the last state (e.g. P0-3 = Hi Lo Lo Hi) is held at the output, rather than all lines going low which is what I expected. I haven't given it that much thought so I can believe the designers had their reasons for doing it that way.
5. In Pattern Gen - Arbitrary, after tapping INDEX the touchscreen control to slide the index has weird behavior when you're already at the very beginning (i.e. index -1 is on screen). The index moves opposite your finger motion. The motion is correct when viewing somewhere in the middle of the pattern, but when it can't scroll further left you see the weird behavior.
6. I think the protocol decode function for "Parallel" bus should have the option for a user defined virtual clock rate. As it works now, if 2 or more consecutive symbols are the same they all get interpreted as 1 instance of that symbol. So when I generated this 4-bit hex stream: [F E E D F E E E D F E E E E D] the decode yielded: [F E D F E D F E D].
The user could use the "Parallel Clocked" bus but must have an external clock signal to feed it. You can't just tell it what clock rate or bit width to use to interpret the bus. The non-clocked Parallel mode doesn't seem useful as it currently works.