This may be a bit heritcal regarding bench equipment, but it's a fact of life for field service work. Over 35 years, we've been through many with relatively poor results...yes even Weller. By the 80's we settled on Ungar 7500 handles which are now Weller and invested in multipack heaters and tips which are now pretty much depleted. The original handles are actually still in very good condition with the silicon coated power cords, most over 20+ years old in great condtion. I've still got several carded "inside" tips. They actually made a better and durable product in a line powered and portable product. Over the years we tried both Weller and Antec and none had the field durability of the Ungars. Weller now calls these their own from what I gather. Heaters and tips are still available. Before I invest in a 10 pack of heaters and card of tips, I'm wondering if there's a one hung low knockoff or system that uses Hakko type tips and decent and dependable heaters and handles. The Weller option isn't cheap and our shop irons are pretty much Hakko compatible with a few WTCP type magnestat type stations still surviving. BTW, our foray into using Master/Weller butane irons was a total disaster and I have no interest in bothering with that avenue.
Are there any decent quality, self contained import irons available that have a sustainable heaters and tips with silicon cords?
YONGFENG YF-951 25~60W Adjustable Soldering Iron - is a knock off of the discontinued Hakko 993 (still available in Russia)
Uses Hakko 900M series tips (cheap and good value 10 pack US $8.49 on ebay,
Temp control indicated on the pencil is 200*C to 450*C
Comes at the exorbitant cost of US$15.70 (I paid $12.30, but that's another story) with free shipping from China (cheap and good value)
Have been using mine (have 2) for maybe 6 months
I dial it up to max for a few seconds then turn it down to required temp setting for instant use
I don't know if it lives up to Ungar standards, but at that price, dread the thought, they are disposable 1 US$15.70 shipped; buy 3 USD$ 14.00 shipped/ea; buy 5 USD$ 13.90 shipped/ea)
they have YONGFENG YF-951 with different tips at different prices ($15.70 to $14.10)