Products > Test Equipment

Shannon ST42 LCR Tweezer Test and Comparison Thread

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--- Quote from: Martin72 on August 11, 2024, 11:02:32 pm ---
--- Quote --- I don't think this is a point to note
--- End quote ---

I think so.
The service life of a battery is foreseeable and then what?
What type is it, can you get it anywhere, can you replace it without problems...
Or will it say in 3 years sorry, this battery doesn't exist (anymore), be creative or buy something new.
I think the topic is definitely relevant.
When the button cell in my Mastech tweezers is empty, I buy a new one from the store around the corner and that's it.
It's a standard type that has been around for decades and will be around for decades.

--- End quote ---

Completely agree with you about battery powered things :-+

I just wanted to give my feedback about the superb Shannon support, as I was having a hardware problem.
=>He helps me a lot (with PM here) to fix my ST42, with some pieces of shematics.
And when I found the problem: he send me the chip, and also the back cover - all for free (because my iron solder has slipped when I tried to remove the dead chip, and I have made a little hole inside this back cover...).
(if you want to check, was in previous page on the topic here: )

I have not find any companies doing this.
The other serious one I have found is RD-Tech (PSU RD6006P and all great USB Meter I have), but they have not gave me the little capacitor to fix the overshoot fault I have found for free...(here if you want to check:

So, I think we have not to be worried with @Shannon support :-+ That's what I have tried to explain  ;)


--- Quote from: Martin72 on August 11, 2024, 11:02:32 pm ---
--- Quote --- I don't think this is a point to note
--- End quote ---

I think so.
The service life of a battery is foreseeable and then what?
What type is it, can you get it anywhere, can you replace it without problems...
Or will it say in 3 years sorry, this battery doesn't exist (anymore), be creative or buy something new.
I think the topic is definitely relevant.
When the button cell in my Mastech tweezers is empty, I buy a new one from the store around the corner and that's it.
It's a standard type that has been around for decades and will be around for decades.

--- End quote ---

I´m quite sure that LiPo-pouches already are that ubiquitous that you will be able to buy most of the sizes in near future or slightly smaller ones with the same capacity.


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