In the video Siglent says the Rigol generator has rise and fall times of 200 micro seconds but in the Rigol spec sheet Rigol claims less than 12 nano seconds? Any idea whether Siglent is a bit hard on Rigol or if Rigol isn't really meeting their spec?
I suspect it is a case of normal Test Equipment manufacturers "one-upmanship".
The Siglent SDG1000 series is rated rise time in pulse mode of >7ns @1KHz 1V p-p
Sorry I don't have the SDG5000 series specs.
Nothing flash from Rigol or Siglent as an 30 Yr old Phillips pulse generator is 3ns and is mostly discrete construction.
Of course Philips can have 3ns risetime. Making fast risetime pulses is very easy.
My very old HP do specifications 1.3ns and measured around 1ns - 1.1ns. My very very old Tektronix do 70ps risetimes.
But in this Philips I do not think you can free adjust rise and fall times in pulse mode and what is resolution for adjust pulse width and period.
But then, of coure Rigol or Siglent can do if they want fast risetimes... but these kind of equipments - Arbitrary Function generators need lot of filtering. These are not at all made for fastest possible risetimes. There is lot of much more important things.
Also it is good to keep risetimes slow. If do fast risetimes for noobs then internet is full of stories and bullshitvideos how strange things and bugs my oscilloscope have (not so seriously...).. In this particular case Rigol loose with Siglent just as 0-1.
Note that this example in video is pulse mode!
Of course Rigol (example square wave) risetime is as Rigol specification.
Also in pulse mode it have much faster risetimes BUT this risetime in pulse mode have relationship with pulse frequency (pulse period) in Rigol afaik. But no one force you to use pulse function in Rigol if want fast risetime but low period pulses.
In Siglent you can produce narrow pulses in pulse mode. You can also free adjust rise and fall times from around 6ns.
Here Siglent .
Mode Pulse in both images and this is what Rigol can not do
in pulse mode afaik.
But I do not have Rigol for real compare tests. Of course also Rigols have its strong points. There is not perfect universal machine what all things are best possible. One is strong with some things and one with some other things.
What is best for some purpose or for some user it depends needs. If people do not know what he need then situation go very easy to point where try find universal machine what is good in all things and have lot of and some amount more functions so that becouse do not know what need then want all so that "if some day need". This is typical hobbyist problem with very limited budget and lack of knowledge what really need and what really do not need.
Some people may also select so that how equipment looks "professional" on his table and he can tell to friends that I have this name and model of equipment and then friends look that oh you are clever. This effect can see also in other area than electronics.
Good example is photographing. Peoples who have never take any single good photographs are talking about is Canon better than Nikon etc... and this Nikon have this some deep parameter or feature and function and this and that and canon is bullshit because it do not have this kind of dingledongle.
But when they walk on the street, and other photographer see that he have this name and this model he "know" this guy is sure "professional"...
...and then some long time photographing "enthusiast" (with low budget) take very good picture with cheapest chinese pocket camera and win some photo competition... just because he know how to take good photograph.
picture 1.
Pulse frequency 100mHz (pulse period 10 seconds )
Pulse width set 20.0ns Pulse risetime set 6ns
Pulse fall time set 12ns
Pulse rise and fall time can free set from 6ns to veeery slow. Example if pulse width is 1ms then rise or fall time can set to example 900us(this is not limit) and 6ns as shortest possible setting.
There is small inaccuracy in shortest 6ns. In model 5082 (80MHz model)
Picture 2
Pulse width 1ms
Rise 6ns
Fall 1ms
Period 1s (freq 1Hz)
Both images are normal acq mode, Sin(x)/x off and just single shots and display mode dots.
For image 2. SDS2304 run in Zoomed and in image just realtime one shot.
Do these with Rigol using Pulse mode