Products > Test Equipment

Siglent SDS1102CNL or Owon SDS7102V ?


Dear friends,
I'm perfected aware that it's probably impossible to answer a question like this without delving into the topic.
But, if you try to make an effort, what would you choose between these two models?
Thank you very much indeed.
I appreciate your help.


Why you select here Siglent SDS1102CNL and then Owon SDS7102V
You select lowest memory Siglent and then 10M + 10M full speed memory Owon.

Just this Siglent model  have 20k capture memory. (20k+20k or in single channel use 40k with these  horizontal speeds what use 1GSa/s)

Siglent have also CML models what have this same "short memory" plus max 2M capture memory "long memory". (this long memory maximum speed is max 500MSa/s) With very low speeds both models have 6M continuous recorder memory.

If think Owon and your named Siglent model they are really far away each others.
Owon can use full 1GSa/s down to 0.5ms/div horizontal speed. It have 10M + 10M full speed capture memory.

Here tiny example about sampling speed:
Simple example if look horizontal speed 100us/div
Siglent CNL max 5MSa/s  (20k memory)
Siglent CML max 100MSa/s (max 2M or 1M + 1M memory)
Rigol DS1000E  100MSa/s (max 1M or 0.5M + 0.5M memory)

Owon SDS7102
10M memory 1 Channel use 1GSa/s
10M + 10M  memory 2Channel use 500MSa/s per channel
1M memory 1Channel use 500MSa/s
1M memory 2 channel use 500MSa/s per channel

IF sampling speed is not important and IF signal capturing fidelity is not so important and IF display TFT quality is not so important or if do not need battery. I select this Siglent. Becouse its UI better and more fetures. It have dual timebase ALT, It have window zoom (Owon have zoom but it is not windowed - but not only cons, it have also pros, Owon zoom change also samplerate related to zoomed timebase - normally windowed zoom in cheap scopes use main window samplerate)

Owon TFT is 8" 800x600  and Siglent 7" 480x234 Owon wiev angle and contrast is better.
Owon front end is more linear, sampled displayed waveform have more real resolution, capturing have less sampling noise. This is becouse Owon use far better ADC system as Siglent.

These are so far away from each others that I do not give poll answer at all.
Both have pros and cons, both have weak and strong  things but very very different.

It is fully dependent end user individual needs which one win in his case.

Siglent SDS1102CNL is is cheaper than Owon SDS7102V

If you go to Owon OR Siglent, look what version you buy. (I mean version, not just model)

Specially with Owon, buy only newest version or if seller is real  professional and original manufacture lot is before JUN/JUL 2013 that scopes have later in Owon accepted workshop updated hardware! 

Best to buy from local seller who is not only box "reshipper" but also really know what he is selling.

 There you can, if want, take both scopes on the table and look with real signals and also professional seller can advise with use.


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