The 4 channel models will have WiFi and Webserver. This way you can replicate and command the unit from a PC using the browser. and the IP address of the unit. Not bad for a entry level unit.
That sounds horrible. Unless there is fast and effective support for any bugs and security flaws found for the next 10-15 years, which there inevitably won't be, it sounds like a huge security liability. Companies just don't seem to learn that hooking things up to the internet is the easy part. It's effectively supporting it and making sure things are safe that's the hard part. Having a botnet running on your oscilloscope isn't much fun, having it being an entry point for further compromise is even worse.
You know what they say: the "S" in IoT stands for security.
We will test the device as soon as we get them (possibly end of the year).
To be honest we have several companies asking for webserver compatibility, so we have to think that part of the market is looking for it.
However we can only comment about the workability after we test them.