I think if users would have read my comment carefully, they would have understood: I do mostly measurements in sequence mode until memory is full. Then I go and fetch the whole content of the memory. And yes, then the difference is quite significant between Fast Ethernet and Gbit Ethernet or USB2 vs. USB3. The problem is: most people do not notice this difference because they do single-shot acquisitions, and then the overhead is quite high of "payload data" vs. "initiating transaction and protocol overhead to transfer this data to PC". Clearly, then you are not using your scope the right way for this purpose. On the SDS5000X this was not implemented properly: I could record in sequence mode but there was no command to fetch the whole memory as one chunk. I had to scroll through history (one command) and fetch trace by trace (another command), which was in my case even slower then repeated single-shot acquisitions. I notified Siglent about this issue and they fixed this within the limits of the architecture given by the SDS5000X.
Considering that they offer USB3 on the SDS6000A for a mouse/flashdrive etc. especially ridicules the fact that they do not offer USB3 for that interface where it would have mattered: scope to PC, where they only offer USB2.
Same for 10 MHz ref in/out: if you do not use and and do not know how to use it, then indeed you do not need it. It makes a huge difference in my long-running measurements. Besides, there is no OCXO in the scope. So whatever awesome timebase they put in there, it will suffer big time over temperature changes (e.g., day-night shifts if not in AC controlled room). Just because this is not important to you, it does not imply it could not be important to others. I'm still of the opinion that this would have been a nice feature.
These two are simply features found on "higher-spec'ed" scope and that would have been little effort to implement. It is not like I'm asking for twice the analog bandwidth.
Seems like people got offended by the term "professional". This may have been exaggerated, but just look at all scopes <$5k and then all scopes >$5k and you will notice that below that threshold, most scopes do not have the 10 MHz ref in/out ... and most hobbyists would not buy a scope >$5k; but the likelihood for a scope to have this is much higher if it costs more than $5k or $10k
did ask you what are you doing... you might be an Oracle, we are not. I
did ask what was important to
I also did ask you, did you do
exactly this thing. And said that in this case your statement, from options mentioned Picoscope 6000E would be better for you.
All your statements how 25000 USD LeCroy "implements properly" something is a moot point (as I said) because it has different architecture, very powerful PC motherboard inside etc.
You didn't read that bottleneck in standard desktop scopes is not the interface itself but system throughput.
Not the raw interface speeds. Which obviously are faster if they are faster. Putting a 10 GBit Ethernet in a platform that can sustain 20 MB/s would be expensive marketing, nothing more.
You didn't read that Siglent has scope platform (in China only at this moment) that is rack mount, up to 512 channels combined system to achieve exactly this type of application you're doing. And other manufacturers too. There are also dedicated acquisition cards etc etc...
You are doing something that is NOT mainstream use of a embedded desktop scope and scopes of this type (not price class, but use type) are simply not optimised for this type of use.
The article you linked to calls for a specific synchronous sampling technique, and is calling specifically for special digitizer hardware that is not a general purpose scope. Like I said.
Most of the users here don't even like LeCroy scopes, because they are "not real scopes" to them. They feel like that for Picoscopes too.
Most people never downloaded a speck of data from scope to PC for analysis.
Most of them will save a screenshot from web server or to USB drive, or maybe data but to USB drive (fast USB for that is available). Many never connected scope to network at all, and some are not allowed to do so in their workplace. That is the market for this type of scope.
To you it all seems easy but it is not. Products are made on basis of platforms. You cannot make some Frankenstein contraption of random set of parts that are not working well together. You start with some reference design for basic computing platform that can be tailored for super fast internal data transfer and temporal synchronization between acquisition/trigger/primary data processing block and general computing/UI block. You do it on something you can have common codebase for. You also don't want to invent everything from the scratch (like OS) because it may give no gains but is expensive to make and maintain long term.
Also, this scope was collaboration with LeCroy. There is very "similar" scope from LeCroy, and it also has same specification in regards of all the things you mentioned.
It all started with your bit of rant about how it is makes an "unprofessional" equipment if a scope doesn't have
specific features
you need for
your purpose.
Then I started to try to explain to you that is not an merit for calling something professional or not. It is a mere
feature set and target market position (
who do you
sell to and
for what kind of use). There are many minor subgroups between scopes (of same price range) targeted for different users. Long memory, high definition, many decoders and analysis packages, for digital, for power, automotive, for SI, etc etc.... There is also a scientific, nuclear, physics etc, and also automated testing applications.
By your logic, very expensive LabMaster 10 Zi-A is "not professional" because if used for power applications, it would perform badly for power converters measurements and you cannot use standard probing solutions... No, it would simply be wrong tool for the job.
That is all. No offense was meant.