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Siglent Technical Support join in EEVblog

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Hello fellow EEVbloggers,

I am a technical support engineer from Siglent, and so glad to offer effective technical support, trouble-shooting and problem solving for all Siglent products.

Also, we will appreciate if you could share your experiences and some improvement suggestions with us.
Any comments will be highly appreciated.


EDIT 12/19/2019
Jason Chonko, SIGLENT North America

Hello All,

To all of those new to SIGLENT, welcome. Thank you for your interest.

The EEVBlog is a tremendous resource and idea exchange full of people that want to help. But, if you can't find what you are looking for OR have an issue with a specific product, I recommend writing INFO@SIGLENT.COM and include as much detail as you can. Other than a phone call, this is the fastest way to get a response from the factory.

In an effort to organize our info, we've updated this first post to include a summary of all of the main SIGLENT Specific threads currently running on EEVBlog:

Jason, SIGLENT North America

Thanks for joining!
Great to see manufacturers getting involved directly with users at the forum level.
Do you have a name, or will more than one support staff potentially use this account?

Are you the Original Equipment Manufacturer of owon?


--- Quote from: kerrinal on June 19, 2013, 06:26:14 am ---Are you the Original Equipment Manufacturer of Owon?

--- End quote ---

please stop that, you just posted so much crap and advertisement for your crap ebay shops (Trade_Spotting_Shop and profit_vanity) , really, nobody wish to buy anything from your shop. Nobody cares about the crap you selling, so please NO!

Btw, if you would know a little about business or what so ever then:
- you would know that if someone is OEM for someone else, an technical support would never ever said that in public
  (unless allowed by management and already known, but then such post is pointless anyway)

- you would know that Owon is based, since 2008, on FPGA+ARM SoC and Siglent since 2009 on FPGA +DSP.
  Nobody ever would drive two platforms. Not even for firmware development. Not even 20yrs ago, and for sure not today

- if Siglent where Owon OEM, why they would then not use the knowledge and improve (actually both need it somehow)
  their platforms?


--- Quote from: Siglent on June 19, 2013, 05:47:31 am ---I am a technical support engineer from Siglent, and so glad to offer effective technical support

--- End quote ---

I do have question for you: by comparing latest models with and without "long memory" i recognized that
these without long memory are using only 4 (dual) ADCs instead of 5 (dual) ADCs as on long-memory enabled models.

I know how both works, and know that both ways have pros and cons:

4ADC + less interleave distortion due better ratio of clock jitter on non-dedicated FPGA clockout pins
                       vs. phase shit needs for 1GSs and amount of ADCs.
                    - higher gain distortion due overclocked ADC (125MHz instead of 100MHz on each channel)
                    + costs (one less chip)

5ADC - more interleave distortion due worse ratio of clock jitter on non-dedicated FPGA clockout pins
                       vs. phase shit needs for 1GSs and amount of ADCs.
                    + lower gain distortion due overclocked ADC (125MHz instead of 100MHz on each channel)
                    - costs (extra chip needed)

My question is actually why both ways? I mean if 5ADCs solution was working for years the change to 4ADCs can be
only price driven, no problem here to understand it, but when that's the way why only (i found it on 200MHz model,
so not the cheapest one) models without long memory are using 4ADCs?

Or maybe my pictures from models with long memory (here CA_M_110300 / SAT7.820.681K) are simply outdated ?
and Siglent is using everywhere 4ADCs (like on the pictures of CA_M_111000 / SAT7.820.681O with no long memory).


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