Products > Test Equipment

So what exactly does Ultra Sigma do (Rigol) ?



For a 350Mb+ download am I understanding it properly to be a simple SCPI command sender?  Does it do something else?

Is there a utility similar to the old Ultra Scope that Rigol produces?  (I know about the RUU which I am also checking out).

I would like to know this too...  Anyone know?  :-//

One first instance it provide a "Rigol Own" interface to thair Products.  Think there are some Application for ther DSA where you can
controll you device.

Thanks for the reply gierig.

It seems strange that Rigol do not produce an updated version of Ultrawave for the DS2000 series. After all, they did supply software for the less capable 1000 series. Perhaps they now rely on their customers to produce better quality software, such as marmad and RUU?    ;)


--- Quote from: eastonwolfs on July 26, 2013, 07:42:02 am ---Thanks for the reply gierig.

It seems strange that Rigol do not produce an updated version of Ultrawave for the DS2000 series. After all, they did supply software for the less capable 1000 series. Perhaps they now rely on their customers to produce better quality software, such as marmad and RUU?    ;)

--- End quote ---

Rigol never cared about their software. E.g. the DG1022 came in two hardware versions (and these days there are another two, the U and A versions). The first hardware version was released around end of 2008. Two years after Vista was released and Windows 7 was just around the corner. Yet they delivered only some rubbish XP software and never upgraded it. The software they now offer only works for the second (and maybe later) hardware versions.


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