Possibly an approach that turns out to be not smart, but here's how I'd approach it.
- any optical approach (sensors, cameras, ...) Nope, because that just shifts the problem into a different area instead of solving it sufficiently well (the sensors info must be processed and displayed, etc).
- we already have a display available. Let's use it.
- if there's one factor even a cheap scope can measure sufficiently well it's time/frequency, so let's make use of that. After all the order of what we're (mainly) looking for is ridiculously low (< 1kHz).
- we also have or can get very cheaply another strong (in terms of time) player, namely a (dirt cheap) mcu board thingy.
- It seems we actually want to get two pieces of information, a) the effective screen (aka TFT or similar) update rate, 'effective' as in "no matter who's slow, processing, the display itself, or whatever, we just want to see what we effectively get out of it". And b) the time delta between 'signal in' and 'signal shown'.
I'd express the results on the DUT display in the form of what a scope can measure and show quite well, frequency.
How? Have a cheap MCU generate pulses that a) provide timing information ("what's the current test frequency?") as well as b) pulse trains which "contain" the currently tried frequency information with a sufficiently long pause in between "shots" (> scope's blind time). So if my current "shot" is at say, 42 HZ the pulse train would contain '42' in binary. Assuming an increasing frequency the last one I see well (clearly) is the upper display update boundary. As for (a) a sufficiently precise "ping" of some frequency, but integer fractions or multiples of 10 MHz may come in handy, should do the trick. And again I'd express some info in a pulse train, e.g. a "marker" every so often. Note however that generating pulse trains of hundreds of MHz will require a fast (~ more expensive) MCU or a FPGA, so probably my first approach at a solution of (a) isn't the smartest.
Please note that those two measurements are made separately as is the kind of information we're looking to gather.