Yep, your new TC1 has an APT32F172K8T6. Here are some hints on identifying the MCU:
- MCU in DIP is usually an genuine ATmega.
- APT32F172K8T6 has different power pins:
- 32-LQFP/QFN: 18=Vss, 19=Vdd (ATmega328 32-TQFP: 5=Gnd, 4=Vcc)
- APT32F172K8T6 uses SWD port for ISP:
- 5 pins: Vdd, Vcc, F_SDAT, F_SCLK, F_RST
- Testers with APT32F172K8T6 often lack a quartz crystal.
- LGT8F328 has slightly different pins:
- QFP32L: 21=PE2/SWD (ATmega328 32-TQFP: 21=Gnd)
- LGT8F328 uses SWD port for ISP:
- 5 pins: Gnd, Vcc, SWD, SWC, Reset
- Clone variants with an genuine ATmega are usually about EUR/US$ 5 more
expensive than the variant with a different MCU.