Any 6.8V TVS should be fine.
Hi madires,
I've read this thread several times, removed zd1 and dz2, and hoped it would be no problem, but the sad prediction was never wrong.
I connected 3.7 voltage battery, but the screen became very dark, and after a while I had no choice but to look at cell voltage.
I think atmega324p is broken. When the resistance of vcc and gnd is measured, a low value of about 50ohm is obtained.
Maybe the I/O is damaged by the energized capacitor, but I don't know why the screen got dark.
Regarding atmega324p mcu programming,
I have Xgecu t48 (upper version of TL866 programmer). I'm trying to program it with 324p mcu using qfp44 to dip40 adapter and I'm wondering if I need an isp connection as well.
I'm not used to programming avr microcontrollers. There are many ways like USB-UART, 3V3, etc,
but rather than buying another programmer, I would appreciate it if you could tell me how to use the TL866-based programmer I have.