I've been thinking more about the measurement specification "p-p Ripple at Two Times Line Frequency". I've been interpreting that very literally in that it's asking for the maximum difference in peaks of the waveform spaced 120Hz apart. And that's the example I posted.
While some problems may manifest themselves that way, such as a weak half in the AC rectification stage, they may be asking for the p-p ripple *OF* two times the line frequency. I would interpret that more broadly as any AC line related ripple, and would encompass failures in the output filter capacitors.
In other words, the measurements table for each rail is asking for the peak low frequency ripple (AC line related) and also the total ripple, which includes both the low frequency ripple and the high frequency ripple from the switcher stage.
In this case, I want to amend what I posted about the "2x line" measurement points. Using the 2465 from before on J119.2, below is the averaged waveform on the DSO, and how that appears on an analog scope. In the case of the analog display, instead of picking out two peaks, you're trying to pick out a consistent peak and a trough on one side (upper or lower) of the waveform envelope, and as before with the scope line triggered.
Again the measurement on the analog scope is very subjective, but in the photo it's in the right ballpark and maybe the upper cursor should be a little higher. If the ripple was near the limit, in this case 30mV, you would clearly see the deviation in the envelope. With some of the other rails on J119, it's just going to be impossible to see their limits of a mV or two.
It would have been nice if Tek provided more than a half a sentence or an example of what they intended.