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Test Equipment Anonymous (TEA) group therapy thread

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My comliments for your very nice work!  :-+


--- Quote from: BU508A on February 06, 2023, 05:50:29 am ---
--- Quote from: Vince on February 05, 2023, 10:43:18 pm ---Now it's official, Dave is a big fan of Deep Purple !  >:D

--- End quote ---

Others are (not me of course!) fans of Mireille Mathieu.  >:D

Purple PCBs are usually coming from OSHPark.

--- End quote ---

Have 45 years of experience with French people. Have never met a sngle one who was a fan of Mireille.

However compared to the music that's been coming out here for the past 25 years, I think I would rather listen to Mireille, honestly.

But I shouldn't even be posting this, I am late for work...

m k:
Not France Gall, eh.


--- Quote from: BU508A on February 06, 2023, 05:50:29 am ---Others are (not me of course!) fans of Mireille Mathieu.  >:D

--- End quote ---

At least she can sing. She is a very professional singer with a very good voice. Quite some years ago, I saw her in a talk show. And just there she began to sing, no orchestra, nothing. Clear, crisp and struck every note, that was amazing. Nevertheless, I would not buy a record of MM.


TERRA Operative:
My experience with French music is limited to Eiffel 65

(before you say it, yes.. that's the joke...)


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