I just pulled a random recovered 1uF 35v tant from my stock. 328 based tester says 2R2 and 1197nF, not sure about test f. LCR819 says 1.1545uF and 2R750 at 1kHz, and 919.55nF and 1R940 at 100kHz.
Second random (different manufacturer) 1uF 35v gives 1053nF and 9R8! with the 328, and 991.93 and 10R73!!, and 789.38nF and 8R956 with the LCR819 at 1kHz and 100kHz respectively.
Managed to find one more, looks to be the same brand as the first. 328 says 1038nF and 1R6, and 999.85nF and 2R173, and 869.89nF and 1R424 with the LCR819 at 1kHz and 100kHz respectively.
EDIT: Tested a recovered 1uF 50v Jamicon brand electro, just because: 328, 1152nF, 4R3. LCR819, 1.0501uF, 11R0, and 817.38nF, 1R614.