Hello, my name is Florian.
I have a TE problem (they say).
Would call it curated hoarding which got worse admittedly.
For some time I have been trying to prevent the scrapping of old measurement equipment in the company by looking for a new home for the dumpster contents (donations to makerspaces, repair coffees, colleagues). Unfortunately, I have not succeeded in doing this for all the devices.
Am still left with some crap (really crap, mostly from 70ies and 80ies), that nobody wants.
Still (related to my problem) I'd consider it a pity having to throw the stuff away. But it needs to go. Am drowning in stuff.
Maybe there is someone here who still enjoys the old stuff?
Does the forum policy allow to offer it here (and make someones TE problem/addiction/hoarding worse)?
- Stuff is free, am not(!) going to sell it.
Some of the devices might have some value, I'd prefer to give it to someone who is actually planning to keep (use/collect) it.
- There is NO guarantee. The stuff might or might not be broken (in some cases is). It might blow out the magic smoke the first time you switch it on.
- I'll not pay for shipping. Either local pickup (munich area), meeting/handover in greater munich area might also be possible upon agreement. Or you ideally send me a suitable package with paid postage/address for me to fill it and ship it back.
Any idea if this makes sense here?
If not, I'll have to take it back to the dumpster again.
Which wouldn't be good as there is new stuff every time I see the dumpster...