Wow I am reallym otiated it seems.... I removed the scope from the scope to look at the bearings... if there was any chance I could remove them despite having only standard / basic tools.
I got lucky.
1) the one at the bottoom of the stator, buried deep inaccessible to tools..... actually came right off as I pulled the fan / rotor ! I pulled the rotor and the bearing had lifted from teh bottom of the stator, almost all the way up the shaft ! I noly had to pick it with my fingers and slide the remaining 5mm to free it from the shaft... it was a transient fit, lucky me. I guess putting mahcine oil in the thing last night must have helped...
2) Now the other bearing, inside the rotor. First I tried to push on it from the ouside. No luck. It did move but would come back immediately, as if it were sitting on a spring ! Well why not.
So instead I tried sticking a small screwdriver inside teh rotor to push on the bearing from the back, outwards. That did it, the bearing and its spring came right out, yeah !

The spring is a mess though... it's not a single piece coil spring, but rather a stack of 6 or 8 washers. Half of them are flat, interleaved with the other halff which have a "wavy" shape, that give this springy action I guess.
I think there were a washer or two somewhere else but I forgot where. Toob ad.. I hope the fan will still work, we shall see.
So I have the two bearings freeed now, cool. They are identical.
I measured them up, and that's where the bad news start...
Outside diameter = 9.5mm
Inner diameter = 4.62mm
Thickness = 3.15mm
So... what the heck are those weird ass dimensions... good luck finding that off the shelves... will try anyway but not holding my breath.
It needs to be the exact same dimensions or it won't work... a hair too big and I won't be able to fit them, too much interference.
A hair smaller and they will be loose.