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Test Equipment Anonymous (TEA) group therapy thread

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m k:

--- Quote from: factory on September 19, 2023, 08:15:51 pm ---Well I'm getting further than I have before with the Yokogawa scope, found the setting & it seems the previous users chosen format of "2HD:1.2M" was the reason for the read error, setting to 1.44M it does seem possible to format & save files, but the Superdisk drive in the desktop PC is not reading the disk afterwards.

--- End quote ---

First you need to know what puter is actually reading.
HxD editor has Extras Open Drive, it can give you a first peek.
If first sector is meaningless you can expect that your drive can't sync with what is on the disk.
Maybe your scope used 360 rpm for 300 rpm stuff and it's too tight.
If scope can't use its own 1.2M stuff then there must be something wrong with the hardware.

dt 30A manual is very informative, thank you.
It splits all those wafer switches to their function blocks and so make them somewhat easy to check.

Thank you, that is very helpful, a known working disk gives lots of stuff in the first sector, Yokogawa created disk is mostly blank.

I think you might be right about the drive not working correctly/wrong speed in the scope, it probably needs opening & cleaning/lubricating, just done this with the two laptop drives yesterday, the pulleys were very stiff before I took them off & oiled the bearings.

I've managed to find a belt for the Citizen V1DA-27B drive in Germany & have ordered one, the peeing caps have been replaced with Nichicon FP solid polymer types (same as I used in the Tekmeter).

I might put the Matsushita one back together with the original belt to try, now the bearings are free to turn, no visible problems with the caps in this one.


m k:
Since HxD can give you something it can also read something acceptably.
Sector includes many kind of out of data area stuff and those are so clear that sector is recognized.

Format few disks with the scope, 1.2M, 1.44M and 720k, can be a single disk style also.
Then read using puter and HxD.
Since you know what should be in there you can also guess how things go.
I seem to have a triple mode drive I can send to you if needed, but can't say how its health really is, even if it passes some tests.

Neomys Sapiens:

--- Quote from: factory on September 19, 2023, 08:15:51 pm ---
Well I'm getting further than I have before with the Yokogawa scope, found the setting & it seems the previous users chosen format of "2HD:1.2M" was the reason for the read error, setting to 1.44M it does seem possible to format & save files, but the Superdisk drive in the desktop PC is not reading the disk afterwards.


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Did you already try to format for 1.44M on the PC and then write data on the scope?

Took me two goes to format the disk as 1.44M with the LS120 Superdisk in the PC, but it is now working in the Yokogawa DL1520L scope just fine.  :phew:
Also tried formatting again in the scope, first at 720k a couple of times, no good, then 1.44M, which for the first time has worked when read back with the PC.

m k, the Superdisk drive claims to work with 1.44M & 720k only.

Attached is a saved screenshot (forum doesn't like BMP format) and using HxD contents of sectors 0 & 1, sector 19 has the folder list, sector 35 has file list, after that lots of random data.



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