Harrison 6209A, oscillating output with control set to '0V' repair update, it's finally working.
A few red herrings were followed in the SCR pre-regulator circuit, as I proved the other day there were no problems with it, the 6207A manual would have you think otherwise
but doesn't take into account the incorrect parts fitted by others.
From the manual I found out removing either Q3 or Q10 and fitting a short between C-E, the output should drop to zero, of course it didn't.
Checking the voltages of the series regulator driver transistor Q5 (an NPN Si device marked GE-18
) revealed nothing strange, but measuring the voltages of the regulator power transistor Q6 revealed strange readings. The voltage between C-E was lower than expected at 7V, this should be 12 to 16V for the 6207A.
First thing I noticed after this, was the protection Zener VR4 had been replaced with a diode, a 1N1564 to be exact, it should be a 39V Zener according to both the 6209B & 6207A manuals. This is not good, this Zener is for protecting the power transistor Q6 during output shorts. You can guess what was wrong now, the pass transistor had sacrificed itself to protect the diode.
The diode quickly got evicted, it has quite a high reverse breakdown, more than can be measured with the Megger & DVM on the 1kV range. Thankfully I found a BZY95C39 in the spares, it tested at 38V on the Megger & was fitted, original part would have been a 1N3803 or 1.5M39Z, both are 1.5W 39V Zeners.
Next for removal was the regulator transistor Q6, the Peak confirmed the C-E failure, now a nice Zener junction. The Bendix 1850-0168 is a 70V 6A device according the the NSN lists, it's not listed in the HP fiche, very few of the Ge power devices are, I'm guessing that's because they weren't being used in the 80s. From my spares I found some of the 1850-0098, checking C-E breakdown with the Megger I found one that was around 80V, in it went.
On powering up the output oscillation was gone and the voltage was finally at zero.
The shorting link was removed from the Q3 socket and the transistor refitted, voltage was now fully adjustable from 0V to 330V.
This just leaves tweaking the reference voltages, I will be selecting a better 1N82x device for this.
Edit: The above Zener selecting isn't actually needed, 6.4V is within the tolerance listed in the manual, +/-0.3V is the same as the spec for a 1N821, working while tired convinced me it was out of spec.
All the failed parts, one 20uF capacitor, a 3.3M resistor (33% high), the shorted Bendix transistor and the 2 working but incorrect diodes.