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Apparently this Tek TDS series PCB was made in two locations simultaneously.  :-DD


TERRA Operative:
It was made in two places at once as it's part of the TARDIS

Tektronix And Relative Dimension In Space. :D


--- Quote from: factory on December 11, 2024, 10:16:37 pm ---Apparently this Tek TDS series PCB was made in two locations simultaneously.  :-DD

--- End quote ---
The PCB was manufactured in the States.
In Taiwan, they only added the white silkscreen print.

Original manufacture at time of board design was in USA hence laid in copper. Later manufacture was Taiwan and they just modified the silkscreen. Modification of the copper could accidentally introduce electrical faults.
Alternatively PCB made in UAS and final assenbly in Taiwan but then Id expect Taiwan mark to be a label rathe than silkscreen.


That probably the reason, the board being made in Taiwan (ROC), though they should really have covered it over with a correction sticker. Oddly the sticker on the back of the scope states made in China (PRC).

--- Quote from: timeandfrequency on December 11, 2024, 11:44:29 pm ---
--- Quote from: factory on December 11, 2024, 10:16:37 pm ---Apparently this Tek TDS series PCB was made in two locations simultaneously.  :-DD

--- End quote ---
The PCB was manufactured in the States.
In Taiwan, they only added the white silkscreen print.

--- End quote ---

Sending a board to ROC, just to have the silkscreen added seems crazy.

P.S. I won the ePay item in the USA (a HP 220A), my second bid also required default address (temp) changing to the US, despite already having a bid on it.  :-DD Strangely it doesn't require this to pay.  :-//



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