Please welcome my new friend !
Just picked it up an hour ago.
My second vintage HP scope, model 130C
Got my first HP, a 120B, 3 and half year ago, not because I was looking for an HP scope, but because it popped up and was advertised for free (mostly because al of its tubes had been removed), was in good nick, and I found it kinda cute, so I had to rescue its remains from the crusher.
I replaced all the tubes, cleaned it, but in the end the CRT was broken and the transformer is toast, at least the HV winding that's used for the CRT.
Factory told me the CRT was used in pretty much no other scope other than just one, forgot which one. So basically it was hopeless.
But... last week, another old HP scope for dirt cheap popped up, that 130C, for only 20 Euros for parts (guy lost the trace, he thinks HV is dead)
I know squat about HP scopes, but it looked so similar to my 120B, basically looked like a two channel version of the 120B, that I thought hey the CRT and transformer are probably the same !
Well, I popped the hood and... maybe the CRT is the same, I hope so, but the transformer looks completely different, big bummer there.
I was thinking maybe fix the 130C and give up on the 120B, but the 130C's internal construction looks horrible. Much more stuff than the 120B, much more compact, and arrange in a completely different way, with vertical boards. It looks like it would be a nightmare to try fix that one sadly !!!

So overall I am not sure I made much progress. If the CRT is the same yeah that would be great, but I still need a transformer, or at least build a stand alone HV supply to replace the dead winding.
I will have a go at fixing it anyway of course, that would be the best option, might get lucky, but not holding my breath at all on that one

Also, it's a lethal scope : at the back of it, it's missing the cover for the CRT neck connector !
So if I do end up fixing and using that scope, I will have to fabricate a cover somehow.