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OK one for you Vintage HP frequency counter fanboys..
While oup in the attic gatting a HP431 power meter I came across a 5254A 3GHz frequency converter plug-in. It has the mounting frame and mating connector. I think I picked it up like that at a radio rally. condition as-is
IF anyone is interested make me a silly offer. Postage is likely the biggest cost. Located Cambridge UK.


If no one else is interested can I express an interest in the 5254A?

Also still looking for a set of top & bottom covers for my UK made 5245L, it's the one I rebuilt from scrap. Same for the 5326/7 series, I have a 5327B missing it's covers too.
The covers for the counters in the System I cases differ from other HP TE.

P.S. There was a trashed 5246L on feeBay UK, but someone finally bought it, probably for far more than it's worth with no displays left in it.


You are top of the list.


--- Quote from: Robert763 on January 26, 2025, 01:02:24 pm ---OK one for you Vintage HP frequency counter fanboys..
While oup in the attic gatting a HP431 power meter I came across a 5254A 3GHz frequency converter plug-in. It has the mounting frame and mating connector. I think I picked it up like that at a radio rally. condition as-is
IF anyone is interested make me a silly offer. Postage is likely the biggest cost. Located Cambridge UK.
(Attachment Link)


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Been looking for this plug-in for my 5245L for a while now. I would like to make an offer. Yes, i specialy made an account to post this.


--- Quote from: atokhy on January 23, 2025, 06:22:43 pm ---At the moment there are ADCMT 7461A's and ADCMT 7351A's going for auction on Ebay from a US seller and the auction isn't as crowded so I should get better deals here.  These must be from a Japanese manufacturer in the US getting rid of their old test equipment (Toyota maybe). The idle power consumption on the 7461A is pretty low according to my kill-a-watt (about 13W).  This might be the case with the older Advantest R6581E-DC 7 1/2 digit models which I am hesitating on which could act as a calibration source.  The 8 1/2 digit advantest is beyond my budget though if I settle for 7 1/2 as my highest precision multimeter.  Idle power consumption may not be as much of a big deal for me as I have already installed a 9kW solar power system for this house so I should be able to power quite a few toys  >:D.

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The 7461A is a great choice. It's similar to 34401A/K2000 in specs and environmental characteristics (silent/fanless/sealed), and it's slightly more modern with PC-USB and internal logging/statistics capability. It also allows for 10 second integration, which is highly unusual. It uses a less conventional voltage reference if it's the same as the AD7461A. I think along with USB drivers they provide some kind of spreadsheet with VB/macros to sample directly into Excel, I don't have MS Office license so I haven't tried it. I have used the GPIB interface.

The R6871E is also silent and fanless, but not sealed. It has a bright green LED display that might outlast humanity and real banana plugs, but I'm not sure you are missing out on much. It does have a 1 Gigohm resistance range, 1 MHz ACV, and a usable* extra digit, but it's also quite bulky. They made the R6561 as well, which was optimized for smaller signals/stability/noise and only measured voltage/resistance. The R6581 was the 8.5 digit, I don't have any experience with it. ADCMT might have more modern offerings as well, I'm not familiar with them.

I wouldn't count on finding schematics for any of these, maybe the older Takeda Riken meters they were based on.

Other obscure Japanese meters would be the 6.5d Yokogawa 7561/7562/7563 with bright red LED displays, the more modern 6.5d Yokogawa DM7560, and the 7.5d Hioki DM7275/6.


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