I'm a bit of a "freshman" in this field, but my GAS is a bit more pronounced in the area of audio / music gear
Despite that, on my workbench next to me, we have:
- Tektronix 2230 (bought dead, had a few toast protection components)
- Tektronix 2225 (ditto, bought at the same time, turned out to work fine, in fact)
- Tektronix 2235 (i gotta put it up for sale, i have no need for it, and i could use the space & $$$ - blasphemous, i know
- HP 3314A arb-gen (fan's pretty effin' loud though)
- Keithley 2015 (i blame Dave's teardown, coupled with my audio passions)
- Thurlby-Thandar PL330QMT triple power supply
- DER-EE DE-5000 LCR-meter
- 700VA isolation transformer + distribution panel
- Tenma 72-7730 DMM
I've had my eye on some Brymen meters for some time now, but have yet to pull the trigger...
And i'll raise you a collection of 50-something microphones, several hundred feet of various audio cables, an extensive-enough drum kit, a bunch of mic stands, several mic clips, two pairs of reasonable studio monitors, three computer audio interfaces (one of which is capable of 26-channel recording)...
Does luthier tooling count?