The software lacks any form of GPIB card config settings as it just assumes you will use the Tek supplied or recommended GPIB card.
Do you have a list?
I found an old CEC ISA card with external ROM, so it can be emulated.
OK Terra, because you're a nice guy and I'm trying to promote the GPIB adapters for which I still have some materials and finally allow the people to calibrate their scopes using modern PC/OS I have this proposition:
Package the necessary DOS software in an archive, put it in or whatever file sharing site and tell me what are the necessary programs that need reversing.
I will try to determine at least the sequence of commands and expected responses and afterwards some Pythonian/Web App/Whatever person may do a glorious app, otherwise serial terminal it is

What say you ?
P.S I think this is long overdue and must be done for all the DOS calibration/testing/whatever programs for devices that are still relevant.