Ever since the whole "12 bit" scope marketing exaggeration they did
What '"12 bit" scope marketing exaggeration'?
They pushed very hard the fact that they used a 12 ADC compared to other market competitors using 8 bit ADCs.
Well, that's what marketing is about, highlighting where your product is different/better than the competition. At the end of the day, marketing *is* exaggeration. It's not just LeCroy doing it for their scopes, everyone does it.
This aside, LeCroy did have a point: Agilent's pseudo 12bit scope was indeed using 8bit ADCs with oversampling. Nothing wrong with highlighting that.
And if you really believe that LeCroy was exaggerating then I would really like to hear what you think about Agilent quite often in their marketing brochures ('whitepapers') twists reality 'til it screams.
The problem I found is what I spoke to above, the extra ADC resolution was only useful in a very narrow band. I believe this was a result of the scope not being engineered for 12 bits throughout as well as the ADC itself having lots of noise and distortion at many input frequencies.
Our lab at work bought an HDO early on I learned to not trust it pretty quickly relative to other scopes I have access to, for the applications I was working on. I bold that part because I do think the extra resolution could be used in certain settings, but people should know the limitations of all their equipment and not buy into the marketing of 12 bit always being better.
I agree, but that is no different with other scope properties, every engineer should know how important certain features are for his specific applications, that's part of the job.
To me this sounds like your place simply bought the wrong tool for the job, which does happen (this is why most scope manufacturers do offer lending a scope for a short time for evaluation). And quite frankly, any person that blindly buys a new and very expensive piece of test equipment without making sure it's beneficial for the application or making use of getting a loaner first should be 'promoted' to cleaning the lab floor.
That said, I did really like the UI and footprint of the scope and I think Lecroy innovated well in that space. I just don't care for over the top exaggerated marketing, which this 100GHz demo smells like to me, although I can't claim that for certain.
Again, if you think LeCroy is exaggerating (which is a bit difficult in such a live demo, especially if there is a certain reputation to protect) then go and have a read through some Agilent whitepapers.