Products > Test Equipment
Time for a new scope, which one?
Yes the old Rigol 1052 is still "upgradeable".. Actually its even easier these days. No crazy stuff just apply 1 flash update and you are all good.
The details are on the forum for anyone who wants to search. The scope I just updated came with software version 4.0
Radio Tech:
--- Quote from: travellerw on March 18, 2013, 08:34:03 pm ---Yes the old Rigol 1052 is still "upgradeable".. Actually its even easier these days. No crazy stuff just apply 1 flash update and you are all good.
The details are on the forum for anyone who wants to search. The scope I just updated came with software version 4.0
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I am going to buy one of those in the next month myself. I like the Owon, but I still want a Rigol.
--- Quote from: moemoe on March 12, 2013, 10:17:22 pm ---Btw: Why can't people just write reviews? I don't want to be forced to watch 15min video when probably fast reading over some pages could be done in less than 5 minutes.
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Don't you think it's rather ironic that you wrote this in a forum which is (fully? partially?) supported by a blog based around video reviews and video articles? ;) Seriously though, as the 'author' of the video review you're referring to, I can explain quite clearly why it's in video form instead of written: because I do it for free - in my free time - to help other prospective purchasers of the DSO. Writing would take me (the person who's doing it for free) more time - whereas reading would take you (the person who's getting it for free) less time. Simple, isn't it? :)
--- Quote ---And this review is about 1.5a old, there changed a lot in the firmware since then.
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Owon has improved certain aspects of the hardware design in the last 1.5 years (although there appears to be a bad noise problem in the current crop of SDS7102s)- but they haven't added one new important feature that I felt was lacking from the firmware or hardware when I made the review - and they haven't done anything to address the abysmally high blind time at small memory sample sizes. So I feel my review is still completely applicable - otherwise I would pull it.
Owon hasn't introduced any significant scope model since early 2011. Not much innovation at all. Rigol and Agilent are much better at new products...
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