I did that search on DigiKey, specifying "active" instead of "obsolete", and it returned only one B&K Precision 2120C 30 MHz unit, lead time 10 weeks.
Aliexpress has a few, you can even get a round-screen one for real retro effect:
did you look what kind of joke is that? BNC input, peculiar control knobs and marking, 2MHz? forget uV/div, forget cursors for noise measurement, and forget anything mentioned here about whats good in CRO.
It is a seriously weird device.
At first sight, it looks like my little "Digitech" thing, but that is a 10MHz device, with BNC inputs, uV/div & u
sec/div switches, switchable AC/DC coupling, X/Y inputs, Auto, Normal, Line (Mains freq), & Analog video H & V Triggering.
"Cursors"? ----they were pretty rare on Analogue 'scopes, apart from HP, Tek, & their direct competitors back in the day.
Mine has the same peculiar knobs (they fall off after a while), but knobs can be replaced.
A bit more serious is that the BNCs have minimal thread length & tend to come unscrewed but are replaceable with better ones.
My Digitech had a "EHT" supply failure, but the replacement of one transistor from my junkbox restored it.
Overall, the "proper one" is a usable, if basic 'scope, which is certainly more functional than some of the silly little so-called "DSOs" appearing on ebay for less than $A100.00.
That said, why anyone would "dumb down" an already pretty basic device is beyond me!
PS--Did I mention it is tiny? (About the same package size as a
hp 410C, but a little skinnier, & slightly taller).
I described it once on this forum as looking like something "Cabbage Patch" dolls would use!