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UNI-T UT612 .. I know.. Another LCR meter...

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I feel all left out since I think I'm the only one that hasn't started an LCR meter thread recently.  I didn't see any posts about this one yet, so, well, here I go!


Anyone played with one of these?  There are 2 on ebay direct from China and it looks like DealExtreme has them for only $160 USD.  I haven't seen them rebadged as anything yet but the specs look decent, especially the multiple frequency ranges up to 100khz.

- Inductance: 20uH/20mH/200mH/2000mH/20H/200H/2000H/20KH range; +/-(0.5%+5) accuracy
- Capacitance: 200pF2nF/20nF/200nF/2000nF/20uF/200uF/2000uF/20mF range; +/-(0.5%+5) accuracy
- Resistance: 20ohm/2Kohm/20Kohm/200Kohm/2Mohm/20Mohm/200Mohm; +/-(0.3%+5) accuracy
- Measuring Frequency: 100Hz/120Hz/1KHz/10KHz/100KHz
- Measuring Voltage: 0.6Vrms
- Measuring Parameters: L/C/R/DCR/Q/D//ESR
- Special funtions: Max. display (19999); D/Q Max. display (1999); D/Q Resolution (0.001); Automatic Range; Real time display for measuring frequency; Measurement Models; Power off automatically; Low voltage display; Data hold; Relative measurement; USB Data transmission; USB Port /PC Data recording; LCD backlight; Analog bar (26pcs); LCR Auto identification measurement

Is that LCR meter discontinued? I don't see it listed on the Uni-T site. The 603 LCR model is top of the range, with basic measurements only.

It's a china market only for now ... But it's accesories are a complete POS for something competing with the MS5308 and based on the same chipset and the same price range
Only 1 crappy SMD tweezer they don't make themselves! I have one of the SMD tweezers they sell from another manufacturer for cheap and it's really crappy.

Yes, it is absolutely the same chipset as the MS5308 and a growing number of other similarly-priced clones.  Google for  ES51919 and ES51920 for more info on the chipset Cyrustek.

Same buttons and screen contents, but each manufacturer offers their own variation of button and LCD screen layouts. the main variants will be in the quality of the accessories and the case.  At the quoted price, (plus shipping and local taxes), this variant looks cheap. Either prices are coming down, or this one short-changes you in other ways - you decide.

I own a Mastec MS5308, by the way, and have posted about it here, previously. Unless you have "farmers' hands" (big!) it is not really a hand-held instrument, but a bench one. it performs to spec and I am happy with it.

Its accuracy spec is not as good and it is not using the tolerance function available on some using the same chipset. 


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