A video on the UNI-T 61C. Not what I was expecting.... it's very different than the 61E which was recently discussed in depth on this forum. If you are looking for a lowest cost auto-ranging multimeter it was bit better than the Vichay VC99.
There are different versions of the DMMs in the UT61 series. It may depend on geographic (likely means legal...) region, I'm not certain about that.
My UT61C, aquired in Germany, does say "Fused 600Vmax", not "250V". And in fact it has way chunkier fuses inside, one marked "0.5A 600V" and one branded HOLLY that says 10A, 690V AC and something about 80kA on it, so this would seem substantially beefier (physically larger too) than in the review. No idea whether other things are different too, but I think that is unlikely.
It also came with USB instead of serial connection, although I have seen serial ones sold here too.
As far as I'm aware my UT61E also has better fuses than found elsewhere in the world, the big one is a Littelfuse in that case.
All these EU regulations may be good for something after all... ;-)
The good thing about the UT61C is the very low burden voltage in 2 of the current ranges.