Products > Test Equipment

Used Signal Generator HP 8656 or Equivalent?



Looking for a good used basic signal generator. Looking at something like a HP 8656. . Anything better in the same price range and features.


--- Quote from: Bryan on October 09, 2013, 08:11:14 pm ---Hello:

Looking for a good used basic signal generator. Looking at something like a HP 8656. . Anything better in the same price range and features.

--- End quote ---

I got one like that:



--- Quote from: Bryan on October 09, 2013, 08:11:14 pm ---Hello:

Looking for a good used basic signal generator. Looking at something like a HP 8656. . Anything better in the same price range and features.

--- End quote ---

Where are you?  I have a Wavetek 2500 available in the Seattle area.  400kHz to 1100MHz.  Passes every test I can throw at it which is pretty much everything but the modulation distortion tests.  Spec-wise, I suspect it's similar to the 8656, but I've not compared them in detail.

$220 (paypal) plus shipping to forum members.



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