Hi all we've just finished developing a version of this in partnership with a co-op out of Mohawk College. The new unit has the following advantages to the original unit:
• Output Voltage: 0.5VDC
• Max Source Current: 100µA
• Continuity Threshold: ADJUSTABLE (Approx. 4-43 Ω)
- original was fixed resistance• Brush Material: Phosphorus Bronze Bristles, Stainless Steel Case
- original was hard to replace -now it slots in
• New version has a slider that allows for bristles to be protected - old did not
• Battery Type: 1 x ½ AA Rechargeable Lithium-Ion 3.7/4.2V, 300mAh
original was a fixed 2x AAA battery - new version charges via USB-C connector and does not need to be opened to change the battery like before
• Switch is tactile and not slider like before - which we found wore on the original heavily after 10 years of use
• Battery Life: typical 30 hours, under normal use
https://www.mohawkcollege.ca/ideaworks/epic-case-study-electronics-3d-designhttps://www.enaelectronics.ca/blog/hamiltons-finest-mohawk-college-ena/if anyone is interested in version which is fully available and we can make as many as we need then please let me know. We use them all the time in the reverse engineering lab for our R.E work and are loving it. Very handy. For anyone interested in some of the reverse engineering work we do at ena electronics then take a look at our site for past projects