I've come to the conclusion that I should probably get a fully decked out SDS5104X (1 GHz, 4 CH). Totally decked out I saw the cost is $11,308.00. If there are options I should unselect that I could "hack" I'd be interested in hearing about it.
Why do you need 1GHz?
You are vastly better off getting a 350MHz or even 500MHz model and a whole bunch of useful probes like HV diff probes, current probes and active probes.
Anything above about 500MHz is pretty useless with your normal passive probes anyway.
If you really need GHz range then get an older used scope in the several GHz range just for that task.
Do you believe that example Tektronix TPP1000 passive 1GHz probes are just useless and made for joking. Perhaps you think Tek do not know what they design and do. No they are serious with also this product. But naturally also it need some real knowledge how to use and for what. As is with most serious T&M instruments and tools mostly, even nowdays.
It's got 4pF input capacitance. At 1GHz that's 39ohms. Enjoy.
Even when it is not specified but can you tell where in this circuit is this capacitance. Yes I know it do not exist in any special position in circuit.
But also I know, and hope also you understand, there is also other things, whole complex circuit instead of one 4pF capasitance if you look how 1GHz or 10GHz see it.
There is three elements. R, C and L. Yes there is also L. Take example probe tip. Now just only for thinking purpose, not real from just this probe.
Think if there is 8mm 0.7mm wire, example just probe tip (if go more deep even it is itself complex circuit). Alone 8mm 0.7mm piece of wire is roughly 5nH inductance (also with parasitic series and parallel C). But this imagined tip simple series X
L is around 31ohm. Now there is then this C what is example 4pF in this case. It is not one C in one place. It is least partially "parasitic" capacitance "here and there" but then we have also other pole what we call "GND" and also there signal travel through L and together with parasitic capasitances there, everywhere, every single piece of wire is complex (R)LC. Try draw this whole circuit with all lumped parasitics... and then how it interact with also complex circuit of DUT... what is then whole circuit when probe is connected. How this whole circuit behave.
Also it is good to think where this GHz signal travel. DC travel well inside whole wire...
Word is bit more complex than 4pF 39pF @1GHz, think about it.
What I try tell. It is MUCH more complex thing than one kids schoolbook ideal 4pF capacitor and its X
It also mean that probing high frequency circuit is very complex and end of day state of art and need carefully think how probing change/affect DUT circuit.
How complex it is... more deep we go, more complex it is.
It need also note that least an passive probes freq bandwidth and risetime is defined in accordance with general practice for an test signal source impedance of 25 ohms.