So we have fixed the display issue, and release the new firmware version 1.5.8.
Thank you, indeed in 1.5.8 in left-handed mode, the Tweezer now displays the good diode direction for the
low ~1.18V bi-directional tests.
I am not sure I explained myself clearly :
In the
high 3.08V mode (which works only in
ONE direction, e.g. to power the blue LED),
the "menu" icon could be interpreted as a suggestion in which direction we MUST orient the Tweezer.
I mean : an user could consider orienting the "icon" (and consequently the Tweezer itself) in the same direction as the soldered blue LED.
It happens that for right-handed mode, the suggestion is already in the correction direction.
In right-handed mode, if you orient the menu "icon" of Tweezer, in the same direction than the silkscreen of the blue LED, the blue led will light on.
But for left-handed mode, the suggestion is "wrong", if you orient the "icon" of the Tweezer (in 3V mode) in the same direction than the silkscreen of the blue LED, it won't work.
This is probably because the menu "icon" will be displayed by the firmware like if it were an alphabetical letter, so the icon will always be displayed arrow-to-the-bottom.
I already have all accessories, thank you very much

I need to design and print a 3D item being capable of holding very small SMT caps/resistors, where they would be forcibly held into place with only room for the tip of the Tweezers, because when components are oxidized and I need to tighten the Tweezer's more tightly to measure them, the SMT components tend to escape and reach orbital velocity.